


نبذة عني

I am Android developer this is my skills.



1-Basic Android (Activity,Fragment,xml,Class,Glid,Picasso,RecyclerView,Adapter,)

2-Retrofit , MVVM,MVP,MVC,Google Maps Volloy

3-Multiple Screen ,ViewPager2,Material Deisgn

4-Rxjava,Rxandroid,Memory leak


6-Notifications Cannels

7-Push Notifications With Firebase(FCM)

8-Navigation Compentents,JetPack,PaypalSdk


1-OOP (Object Oriented Programming).2- JAVA3- C++.



•Firebase , DataBase Room , Sqlite , Shared Preferences.


1-ChatAPP With notification (firebase,Retroift,push notification by cloud messaing)(mobile application).my role in the project as android developer like(some of android developments backend(database like firebase). Can send and receive message and know it see or not and change prodile and users online or not.

2-Instagram APP with notification (firebase,Retroift,push notification by cloud messaing)(mobile application).my role in the project as android developer like(some of android developments and backend(database like firebase). Users can follow others and see posts of people how follow , and give like comment to any posts and ave it in your profile.-App3- Food APP (mobile application) (using googlemaps,RecyclerView ,MVVM,Firebase,RoomDatabase,fragments,sharedprefernces,Read and wirte with firebase, push notification with cloud messaging)my role in the project as android developer like(some of android developments and backend(database like firebase).

app is 3 part work with notification

1-Client Side : user see all food and popular food , best deal and all categories and user can add food to wishlist and add to cart and request the order , user can see rout between shhiper and your location if order is shipping.

2-Server App Side : Owner can see all food and update it and delete, and add new categories, foods , and owner can create new shipper by (name,phone,password) owner can see all orders and selected status and selected shipper , and see rouite betwwen your location and user ,your location and shipper and route between shipper and user

3-Shipper App Side : shipper login by using phone and see all orders to recive it to location request and shipper can see rout between your location and customer, and can call user and if order is done can you shipped this order . : (app created by using Retrofit with MVVM , fragment,Activity ) users can search by country and know all information about corona 194-Olx app (in this app : iam uing Navaigation drawer,Firebase,Recyclerview with MVVM,Fragment,navigation compenents

5-News app (in this app : iam uing Retrofit,Recyclerview with MVVM,Fragment,navigation compenents,)in this app is abeautifly design and iam using a json file to read all cities


التقييمات  (0)
معدل إكمال المشاريع
معدل إعادة التوظيف
معدل التسليم بالموعد
متوسط سرعة الرد 18 يوما و 3 ساعات
تاريخ التسجيل
آخر تواجد منذ


البريد الإلكتروني رقم الجوال
الهوية الشخصية


  • مستخدم منذ 4 سنوات