مرحبا أنا نجلاء
مهندسة برمجيات و مطورة تطبيقات الهاتف باستخدام flutter خريجة من كلية الهندسة بتقدير جيد جدا مع مرتبة الشرف
لدي خبرة بالعمل على التطبيقات خاصة و انه لدي معرفة مسبقة بال android native
اذا كنت تبحث عن الدقة و الكفاءة و السرعة بالوقت لانجاز تطبيقات تعمل على android و ios تواصل معي
Hello.. I am Najla' ..
A graduate of software engineering from Al-Azhar University with a very good average with honors , A Flutter programmer currently and have a previous knowledge in android native programming ..
I have worked on many projects that work on cross- platform (Android and iOS) devices, including projects for non-profit associations and e-commerce projects , social media, news, and other projects.. I am able to complete the application to the fullest extent.. I have the ability to deal with
1. dart , java language .
2. state management, Block and getX .
3. Resetfull Api .
4. clean code .
5. good knowledge in mvvm , mvc patterns .
6. firebase .
7. sqflite and others local storage .
8. adaptive and responsive apps .
9. deal with git and github .
10. null safety .
11. google maps .
12. some knowledge in animations .