


نبذة عني

As a self-motivated Software Developer with over two years of experiencein C++, I have been

involved in several open-source projects for writing, testing, and deploying. I have managed to be

involved in the design, planning, development, testing, and production start-up of multiple

projects. My proficiency in popular coding languages including Python, JavaScript, and C++ and

frameworks or systems such as Flask and Git, along with my excellent knowledge of the software

development life cycle,makes me a strong candidate for software developer positions. I have

strong problem-solving and communication skills, knowledge of Object- Relational Mapping

frameworks, and experience with Agile and Scrum development methodologies.


التقييمات  (0)
معدل إكمال المشاريع
معدل إعادة التوظيف
معدل التسليم بالموعد
متوسط سرعة الرد لم يحسب بعد
تاريخ التسجيل
آخر تواجد منذ


البريد الإلكتروني رقم الجوال
الهوية الشخصية


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