


نبذة عني


1156 Maria Street, Laval | 438 397-9606 |

Languages: French, English, Arabic



Interpersonal communication

Team spirit

Keep your knowledge up to date

Conflict Management



Versatile (adaptable to the unexpected)


Time & Priority Management

Change Management/Organizational


Master’s degree in educational management, Education & Pedagogy Profile | 2023 – Now

University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM)—Canada

Specialized higher Diploma in Education Management | 2021 - 2022

University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM)—Canada

Teaching certificate (#BR278421) | 2021

Ministry of Education (MELS)—Canada

Bachelor of Education in Vocational and Technical Training | 2017 - 2021

University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM)—Canada


University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) - Contractual

Teacher assistant | 2022 – Now

Create and implement course modules on Moodle

Establish and modify lesson plans, content, …

Correct exams and assignments

Respond to student requests and manage complaints or cases

Ladouceur Laser Beauty Training Center

Director | 2022 – 2024

Implement and structure an internal operating system.

Supporting the development of pedagogical and didactic practices

Ensure that educational practices meet institutional standards.

Implementing a Success Plan

Implementation of intervention plans

Build relationships with partners, suppliers, members of the aesthetic community.

Provide employees with the conditions, means and assistance necessary to carry out their task.

Ensure that the work environment is always supportive.

Establish lesson plans, content, etc.

Updating training manuals

HR management (onboarding, job posting, recognition, evaluation, etc.)

Finalize student registrations

Management of material resources (movable and immovable resources, purchasing)

Ladouceur Laser Beauty Training Center

Teacher & Didactic Designer & Educational Consultant | 2020 - 2022

Carry out personalized coaching activities

Teach in a systematic way (presentations, demonstrations, groups, workshops, case studies, etc.)

Assess learning (oral & practical)

Implementing digital technology within the institution.

Manage and supervise class groups, individual groups

Managing Students with Learning Difficulties

Prepare lessons, teaching, and teaching materials.

Prepare for meetings

Educating students about programs of study and career choices

Lachine PSC (Shore Building)

DEP Teacher | 2021

Animate class groups

Perform coaching activities

Teach the profession in a systematic way (presentations, demonstrations, individual or group projects, seminars, etc.)

Plan and develop lesson plans and teaching materials

Plan, develop, organize, and implement educational activities in accordance with the program established by the MELS.

Supporting learners in the presentation of pedagogical projects

Supervise individual projects, practical training courses, practical work.

Derme & co

Manager, School & Business Development Department | 2019–2020

Achieve the objectives set

Cooperate with other departments

Develop interpersonal relationships

Develop and evaluate on-the-job training.

Draw up contracts and agreements with partners.

Negotiate consignments

Plan, organize and coordinate activities

Prospecting for new partners

Write weekly reports

Inter-Dec College Lasalle College/LCI Education

Teacher of the DEP in Aesthetic Care | 2018–2019

Plan and develop lesson plans and teaching materials.

Plan, develop, organize, and implement educational activities in accordance with the program established by the MELS.

Carry out educational supervision and follow-up activities.

Teach the profession according to systematic approaches (presentations, demonstrations, individual or group projects, seminars, etc.)


International Academy Beauty Competence

Workshop Supervisor; Integration Manager & Teacher | 2017–2019

Coordinate complementary activities

Teach in a systematic way (presentations, demonstrations, groups, workshops, case studies, etc.)

Assess learning

Managing Students with Learning Difficulties

Onboarding new students and staff

Supervise hands-on workshops

Associative life

Member of the AQPSE (Quebec Association of Aesthetic Care Teachers)

Member of APESEQ (Association of Electrolysis and Aesthetic Care Professionals of Quebec)


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متوسط سرعة الرد 44 دقيقة
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الهوية الشخصية