انا المهندس محمد النبوي, حاصل على باكالريوس هندسه الميكاترونكس, اعمل فى مجال برمجيات الانظمه المدمجه
Technical Skills:
Programming Language:
• Excellent using C and data structure, very good using modern C++ and OOP.
• Basics knowledge about Python.
• Good Knowledge about bash script language, and MakeFile.
Embedded Systems:
• Very good using Embedded C coding skill
• Very good working on AVR (Atmega32), PIC (Pic16f877A), and ARM cortex M3 (stm32f103c8t6)
• Very good using MCU peripherals (GPIO, ADC, Timers, Interrupts, PWM, ICU)
• Very good using Communication Protocols (UART, I2C, SPI)
• Good understanding RTOS terminologies and work on FreeRTOS
• Good understanding Hardware (sensors, and electronics)
Internet Of Things:
• Good understanding Network fundamental
• Working on Esp32 (Node MCU)
Tools and IDEs:
• Good using Version Control System (git, and GitHub)
• Very good using Visual Studio Code, Code blocks, Atmel Studio, and STM Cube IDE
• Good using PCB design Tools (Altium and Proteus)
• Good using debugging tools