نبذة عني

1)Front end skill :

a)JavaScript programming language.

b)Deal with different screen sizes.

c)understanding of web markup, including HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery.

d)JSON and API requests implementation

e)Problem solving, analytical, and troubleshooting skills.

f)Knowledge of UI/UX design principles and data visualization to create a polished, intuitive user

g)Understanding of web application design patterns.

h)Angular beginner

i)Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, Xd, adobe Aftereffect good user.

j)Studying Python and Django as a Backend.

2)Flutter mobile skill :

a)DART programming language.

b)Deal with different screen sizes.

c)Connecting/calling RESTful services.

d)Problem solving, analytical, and troubleshooting skills.

e)Knowledge of UI/UX design principles and data visualization to create a polished, intuitive user

f)Understanding of mobile application design patterns

3)Java mobile development skills :

Using android studio to deal with custmer target to make android app

a)Understanding of the Java Language.

b)Understanding of the Android SDK, web services and location-based services.

c)Published more than one Android apps to the market.

d)Deal with third party libraries and APIs.

e)Current knowledge of mobile architecture, trends and emerging markets.

f)Ability to create world leading beautiful and elegant user interfaces.

g)Understanding of RESTful applications.

h)Understanding of the different caching techniques you can apply when developing a mobile app.

i)Understanding of git commands and have a GitHub.

j)Using firebase database

k)Using firebase authintcation

l)Using firebase storge

m)Good UI/UX designer

n)Upload applications to Playstore

o)Using any computer platform with high skill , good JAVA knowlogy

p)Good deal with Adobe PhotoShop , Illustrator


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البريد الإلكتروني رقم الجوال
الهوية الشخصية


  • مستخدم منذ 3 سنوات