A passionate and detail-oriented Web Developer specializing in Laravel Framework, with 4+ years of experience
in building, deploying, and maintaining high-performance web applications. Proficient in PHP, MySQL, and
JavaScript with a strong understanding of MVC, API architecture. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional
teams to deliver custom solutions that meet business requirements and user needs.
مطور ويب شغوف ومهتم بالتفاصيل ومتخصص في إطار عمل Laravel، ولديه أكثر من 4 سنوات من الخبرة في بناء ونشر وصيانة تطبيقات الويب عالية الأداء. متمكن من PHP وMySQL وJavaScript مع فهم قوي لهندسة MVC وAPI. بارع في التعاون مع فرق متعددة الوظائف لتقديم حلول مخصصة تلبي متطلبات العمل واحتياجات المستخدم.
Technical Skills
Programming Languages: PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3,
· Frameworks: Laravel, Vue.js ,Bootstrap
· Database: MySQL
· Tools & Platforms: Git, RESTful APIs, Composer,
MVC Controller
· Version Control: GitHub, GitLab
· Testing: Laravel Dusk
· Other: Trello
Dental Clinic Managment:
Developed a dental clinic system using Laravel, Bootstrap and JavaScript to streamline bookings and seamlessly
assign patients to the appropriate doctor.
Sky-eSIM Store:
Developed a website for selling electronic chips using Laravel, Bootstrap, JavaScript, RESTful API, and Vue.js to
simplify global purchases and provide clear usage instructions.
Construction Khalta:
A web system and Android application were developed using Laravel, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and Flutter with a
RESTful API to streamline operations and manage large construction projects for a Saudi institution, facilitating
engineers' work on-site.
Car-Power Store:
A web and Android application system was developed using Laravel, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Ajax, and Flutter with a
RESTful API to manage multiple stores for selling car products, streamline delivery for a Saudi company, and
support engineers specializing in automotive services.