-متخصص فى تطوير المواقع الإلكترونية باستخدام الدوت نت ( MVC C Sharp ASP.NET ) وتطبيقات الموبايل (Android & IOS) باستخدام (Xamarin)
-بكاليروس علوم ،، قسم رياضيات وعلوم حاسب جامعة القاهرة ،، 2010
B.Sc. in Computer & Mathematics science, Faculty of science, Cairo University
Detail-oriented software developer with experience leading and working in teams on complex projects using a wide range of technologies such as .Net, MVC and Web Services(API). Extensive experience with software development life cycle complemented by a proven ability to quickly assimilate and rapidly utilize new technologies.
Engineering web development, all layers, from database to services to user interfaces
Supporting legacy systems with backups of all cases to/from parallel systems
Analysis and design of databases and user interfaces
Managing requirements
Implementing software development lifecycle policies and procedures
Managing and supporting multiple projects
Highly adaptable in quickly changing technical environments with very strong