مرحبا بكم ,
اسمى ايه من مصر أجيد الفرنسية و العربية و الإنجليزية بطلاقة و يمكننى ترجمة اى محتوى فى أقل وقت ممكن و بدقة مع التدقيق اللغوى.
لدى خبرة ٥ سنوات فى مجال خدمة العملاء و التسويق الالكترونى.
- بإمكانى ترجمة النصوص من و إلى العربية و الانجليزية و الفرنسية.
- درست اساسيات التسويق الرقمى من جوجل و digital marketing advanced track من Udacity و يمكننى القيام بخطة تسويقية لمنصات التواصل الإجتماعى و المواقع و SEO و SEM.
- بإمكانى كتابة المحتوى او وصف للمنتجات و ترجمتها .
- تلخيص الكتب .
- امكانية تفريغ( النصوص العربية والانجليزية , المحاضرات الصوتية , الفيديوهات ) .
- امكانية تحويل الملفات من pdf الى وورد او اكسل .
I have a 5 years experience in the customer service field , my first customer service position was as a call center agent in Sutherland Global Services, where i have gained impeccable soft skills on how to deal with frustrated customers and turn their frustrations into satisfaction by acknowledging their issues, empathizing and sympathizing with them , rectifying the issues and getting their requests done, following up with them to guarantee their satisfaction.
, retention skills , and sales skills.
I also worked as an International Account Advisor at Vodafone UK, where i handled billing queries and resolution tickets to resolve customers queries.
I gained experience in supporting customers via emails, live chats. and social media platforms in Lynks Co., and also handled back office tickets.
My most recent job was at Stylisheve , where i have been nominated employee of the month, promoted after 3 months to customer service team leader. and another 3 months to customer service team manager.