نبذة عني

Hello, I have read your requirement and i can do this work. Please check my previous work. i am working as a graphic designer and computer science instructor - I have 2 years experience in graphic design in many countries _ i have 2 years experience in data entry _ experience in _ I have 5 years experience in teaching computer science Skills Photoshop, illustrator, MAX,CINEMA 4D, Microsoft office. i can do researches on the internet i can write topics i can work in data entry I can work hard and under pressure to get a high quality in a short time . thanks for your visit


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معدل التسليم بالموعد
متوسط سرعة الرد 4 ساعات و 36 دقيقة
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البريد الإلكتروني رقم الجوال
الهوية الشخصية


  • مستخدم منذ 4 سنوات