Extensive success developing the mobile app (close platform) for individual clients as well as larger companies. Expert development for android and IOS using Flutter and Adobe XD. I have developed more than 5 apps. I can make all my UI and UX for my application.:
. [ Clean Code Architecture [MVVM, MVP, MVI
. [Version Control System: Git with [GitHub
. Material Design
. SQLite, Realm & Room] Local Database]
. Familiarity with libraries like RxJava 2, and Dagger 2
. Firebase [RealTime & Firesotre] Database
. Firebase Authentication
. Push Notifications: Firebase Cloud Messaging, OneSignal, Pusher
. [REST, GraphQL APIs Integration [Retrofit, Volley & OKHttp
. Hardware and Sensors
. Maps: Google Maps
. ADs: Google AdMob ads, Facebook ADs
. Signing and Publishing apps on the Google Play Store
. Social networks API: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, VK
. Firebase Messaging
. Payments: In-App Purchase, Stripe SDK, and other payment systems