Marketing and Sales Professional with over 13 years of experience in Egypt and GCC.- i studied business administration and digital marketing. My passion and experience in Sales & Marketing filed made me qualified into spotting on the strength points and benefits of products and companies through social media platforms by both organic and paid ads.
- My Skills:
* Show up the benefits of products and show the strength points that fit the customer need.
* Handling customers needs and issues what ever it was technical or financial.
* Analyzing the customer reports or market share ( competitive analysis )
* Set marketing plan based on statistics and customer future goals.
- My knowledge and experience in digital marketing activities:
* Medial Buying : Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Linked In Ads & Google Ads.
*copy writing.
* Search Engine Optimization .
- My education:
* I graduate from Business Administration, Minor Accounting English.
* I joined and certified in two Digital Marketing Diploma from YAT learning.
* I Joined Nano degree in Digital Marketing from Udacity University.
* I Joined and get participation in Marketing Automation from DM Arts.