نبذة عني

Marketing and Sales Professional with over 13 years of experience in Egypt and GCC.- i studied business administration and digital marketing. My passion and experience in Sales & Marketing filed made me qualified into spotting on the strength points and benefits of products and companies through social media platforms by both organic and paid ads.

- My Skills:

* Show up the benefits of products and show the strength points that fit the customer need.

* Handling customers needs and issues what ever it was technical or financial.

* Analyzing the customer reports or market share ( competitive analysis )

* Set marketing plan based on statistics and customer future goals.

- My knowledge and experience in digital marketing activities:

* Medial Buying : Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Linked In Ads & Google Ads.

*copy writing.

* Search Engine Optimization .

- My education:

* I graduate from Business Administration, Minor Accounting English.

* I joined and certified in two Digital Marketing Diploma from YAT learning.

* I Joined Nano degree in Digital Marketing from Udacity University.

* I Joined and get participation in Marketing Automation from DM Arts.


التقييمات  (0)
معدل إكمال المشاريع
معدل إعادة التوظيف
معدل التسليم بالموعد
متوسط سرعة الرد لم يحسب بعد
تاريخ التسجيل
آخر تواجد منذ


البريد الإلكتروني رقم الجوال
الهوية الشخصية


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