نبذة عني

I am Hagar Metwali an environmental engineer at waste management regulatory agency (Ministry of Environment) I particularly enjoy Mechanical Physics because I like to observe my environment and understand how it works, and so the initial introduction to this subject interested me even more and my curiosity pushed me to go into it in greater depth.

Back when I was in my last year of faculty of agriculture, I participated with my college in the contest called “Hult prize” in 2019. The aim was to solve environmental problems by using agriculture technology, and we gained two things: first place in the competition and most of all, an experience where we learned to help each other and work together as a team, This project made me learn to design a professional logo and design a concise and attractive PowerPoint that made us win in most of the competitions that we applied for.

Being in a Ministry of Environment for 5 years ago, I have been known most of environment problem and how to solve it. I was selected as a member of the WMRA team for the Waste Management Component in the Great Cairo Climate Change Project. This project is funded by the World Bank and has a budget exceeding 200 million USD. In addition, I collaborated with international organizations to secure funding for waste projects. I also facilitated the establishment of protocols for implementing informal sector formalization and livelihood development programs and provided related training which gives me the advantage of being immersed in different topics related to environment (national– international).

Another thing which I feel has made me a more open-minded person is my travel experience throughout Europe and Africa, I was honored to attend the study visit on Packaging and Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging from Egypt to the Federal Republic of Germany on behalf of the FEDERAL MINISTRY FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT(BMZ), Bonn (October 15th October 21st 2023), also attend the study visit combined workshop on the management of Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D W) organized by EU Funded Project "Water and Environment Support in the ENI Southern Neighborhood region (WES)" which took place in Marseilles, France. This joint regional activity was co-organized by the WES consortium member ACR+ based in Belgium, the Region Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte, d’Azur based in France and the lead partner LDK Consultants Global EEIG based in Belgium.

And I was honor to participate as the Egyptian delegate in the workshop of the Circular Economy action plan for Africa (2024 - 2034) in the African Union headquarters (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) from 4 to 5 October 2023


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