مرحبا ...
ياسميين ازهري - مهندسة معمارية بخبرة من 5 ل6 سنوات في التصميمات الهندسية والمعمارية والتصميم الداخلي، حاصل على بكالوريوس الهندسة المعمارية من جامعة بوترا في ماليزيا ،
عملت في شركات ومكاتب عِدة في ماليزيا و مصر، وحاليًا أعمل لحسابي الخاص لمكاتب في دول عدة منها استراليا , السعودية, ماليزيا, مصر. بالإضافة لعملي على منصات العمل الحر
أنواع المشاريع التي عملت عليها:
- تصاميم داخلية سكنية، تجارية، إدارية، طبية
- تصاميم معمارية وخارجية سكنية، تجارية، إدارية
الخدمات التي أقدمها في مجال الهندسة والتصميم:
- تصميم معماري ( مخططات ومناظير )
- استغلال المساحات بالتوزيع الأنسب للفراغات المعمارية
- عمل ال Mood Boards (اختيار المواد اللازمة للتشطيبات)
- رسومات تنفيذية (معماري - كهرباء - تكييف)
-تصميم داخلي (مخططات ومناظير 3D وفيديو)
بالاضافة الي تقديم الكورسات التي تساعدك علي التمكن من برنامج Revit حتي الوصول للمستوي المطلوب.
البرامج التي أتقنها:
- Revit
- Sketch Up
- AutoCAD
- Lumion 11.5
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- 3Ds Max and VRay
- Microsoft Office Pack
لا تتردد في التواصل معي لأي استفسارات أو استشارات هندسية
وسيكون من دواعي سروري تفقدك لمعرض أعمالي
تحياتي ...
Hello ...
Yasmeen Azhary - An Architect with 5 to 6 years of experience in Architecture, Exterior and Interior design, I am a graduate of Bachelor of Architecture from University Putra Malaysia.
I worked in several companies and offices in Malaysia and Egypt, and I am currently working remotely for various architectural and BIM firms in several countries, including Australia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Egypt. In addition to my work on freelance platforms.
Types of projects I worked on:
Interior Design:- Residential, commercial, administrative and medical
Architectural Design:- Residential, commercial, and administrative architectural and Hospitals, Mosques, Educational.
Services that I provide :
- Architectural design (plans and perspectives)
- Exploitation of spaces with the most appropriate distribution of architectural spaces
- Preparing the required Mood Boards (choosing the materials needed for finishing)
- Create Shop drawings (architecture - electricity - air conditioning HVAC)
- Interior design (3D Modelling, Images/Shots/Pictures, Video/Animation)
In addition to providing courses that help you master Revit until reaching the required level.
Programs I use:
- Revit
- Sketch Up
- AutoCAD
- Lumion 11.5
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- 3Ds Max and VRay
- Microsoft Office
Do not hesitate to contact me for any inquiries or engineering consultations.
It would be my pleasure if you visit my Portfolio and Website
My greetings ..
BIM Modelling:
Your Space is your Comfortable Environment, and it’s the most effective factor on your mood and mind which will be reflected in how you communicate with your customers and work. As part of my strategy, I will look through your eyes and give you the Most accurate 3D Model to help feel the space before you start through various types like AR, VR, Animation Video, and Realistic Images.
Interior Designing:
If you're looking for Interior Spaces Designing that is original and thoughtfully designed. I would absolutely love to help. I can ensure that your Interior Spaces resonate with your Comfort. I am also able to assist with choosing Interior decorations & finishes and even bring it to your hands.
In addition, I provide support with Furniture design needs and manufacture, so that every piece of your Space is cohesive and gives you maximum comfort and positivity.
Deliverables - Optional :
- Mood Board for Suggestions.
- 2D Detailed Plans, Sections & Elevations.
- 3D Accurate Detailed Model (LOD 400).
- Realistic Interior Exterior Shots.
- Realistic Animation Video / Movie.
- AR / VR Platforms Video or Images.
- Rendered Design Panorama Shots.
- Metaverse Extensions.