نبذة عني

Meet Amr Khaled, a trailblazer in the world of AI video creation. With extensive experience and a rich skill set in AI and deep learning, Amr specializes in making lifelike virtual humans that talk and interact just like real people. Using advanced AI technologies, Amr crafts stunning digital avatars for everything from entertainment to marketing.

Passionate about blending technology with creativity, Amr is redefining digital storytelling. Each AI video Amr produces is not only visually captivating but also deeply engaging. With a proven track record and unparalleled expertise, get ready to experience the future of digital media with Amr Khaled, where the virtual meets reality in the most exciting ways.


التقييمات  (0)
معدل إكمال المشاريع
معدل إعادة التوظيف
معدل التسليم بالموعد
متوسط سرعة الرد لم يحسب بعد
تاريخ التسجيل
آخر تواجد منذ


البريد الإلكتروني رقم الجوال
الهوية الشخصية


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