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We are working on a game using unity engine where we have 3d characters that is not compatible with our game design and also our multiplayer framework. We need someone with unity and blender experience to fix those models to be compatible.

1-Requirment: experience using blender since all those models are made with blender and our project file is in blender.

2-knolede in rigging and humanoid character modeling since we will also need to alter those characters appearance

3- familiarity with unity and importing characters into unity in addition to unity avatar system since the avatar system we are using in our unity project is making problems with the characters avatar system

If you know unity avatar system, blender, rigging and humanoid modeling, please apply

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العروض المقدمة

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  • راجع صفحة حساب المستقل الذي اخترته واطّلع على أعماله السابقة
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