Project Overview
The project involves creating a desktop application with two main components:
Part 1: Patient Registration and Symptom Analysis
User Registration and Login
Develop a user-friendly interface where patients can create an account and log in.
The signup process should allow patients to input their basic information.
No email confirmation or additional authentication steps are required at this stage.
Symptom Reporting and ER Notification
Once logged in, patients can select an option like “I am coming to the ER Room.”
They will then choose symptoms from a predefined list.
The selected symptoms, along with the patient’s information, will be sent to ChatGPT via an API for analysis.
ChatGPT Interaction for Symptom Analysis
ChatGPT will respond with dynamic yes/no questions to refine its analysis.
This interaction will continue until ChatGPT provides an assessment along with recommendations on actions to take in the ER Room.
Part 2: Integration of Existing AI X-ray Software
Integration with the Desktop Application
Incorporate an AI-powered X-ray analysis tool into the desktop application.
This software is already developed and will need to seamlessly integrate with the application workflow.
The integration should enable healthcare providers to upload X-ray images for analysis and receive results directly within the desktop application.
Additional Notes:
I understand this description might be broad and may require clarification.
Please let me know if you need further details or have specific questions about the project requirements.
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله عليه ، تحية طيبة ، أرجو أن تكون في افضل وأسعد أحوالك، سأقوم لك بالمطلوب بإذن الله , لي خبرة بتطبيقات سطح المكتب الهجينة