web application to manage car showrooms and their associated cars تطبيق ويب لإدارة معارض السيارات والسيارات المرتبطة بها
. It includes both backend and frontend tasks, focusing on Java and Spring Boot for the backend, and Angular for the frontend.
General Requirements:
oInclude a README file that explains the project structure, setup instructions, and any assumptions made.
2.Code Quality:
oEnsure clean, readable code that follows best practices.
oInclude comments where necessary and ensure modularity.
3.Error Handling:
oProper error responses with appropriate HTTP status codes.
4.Git Usage:
oVersion control should be managed using Git. Include commits with meaningful messages to show your approach.
Backend Requirements
The backend should be built using the latest stable version of Java and Spring Boot. Spring Data JPA should be used for data management.
API Requirements:
1.Create Car Showroom API
name: Required, string, max 100 characters
commercial_registration_number: Required, 10 digits, must be unique
manager_name: Optional, string, max 100 characters
contact_number: Required, numeric, max 15 digits
address: Optional, string, max 255 characters
oValidations: Ensure all fields adhere to their constraints before saving.
2.List Car Showrooms API
Pagination and sorting should be enabled
oResponse: List all exist car showrooms with specific fields - name, commercial_registration_number, contact_number.
3.Get Specific Car Showroom API
oResponse: Retrieve all details - name, commercial_registration_number, manager_name, contact_number, address.
4.Update Car Showroom API
oUpdateable fields: contact_number, manager_name, address.
oValidation: Ensure only provided fields are updated.
5.Delete Car Showroom API
oAction: Perform a soft delete. The showroom should no longer appear in the previous apis.
6.Create new Car in Car Showroom API
vin: Required, string, max 25 characters
maker: Required, string, max 25 characters
model: Required, string, max 25 characters
model_year: Required, numeric, max 4 digits
price: Required, decimal value
the car must be associated with the car showroom
oValidations: Ensure all fields meet their respective criteria.
7.List Cars with Showroom Details API
Pagination enabled, with dynamic filtering on all fields appears in the result example user could search be maker or can search by (maker, car_showroom_name).
oResponse: List cars with the following fields - vin, maker, model, model_year, amount, car_showroom_name, contact_number.
Additional Guidelines:
•Consider using Exception handling
•Authentication & Authorization: Not required but would be considered a plus.
•Database Version Control: Preferably use Flyway or Liquibase if familiar.
Frontend Requirements
The frontend should be built using the latest stable version of Node and Angular. The UI should interact with the APIs developed in the backend.
UI Requirements:
1.Showroom Management Page
oForm to Create a showroom with fields as specified in the backend.
oList of showrooms with options to paginate, sort, view, edit, and delete.
oValidation on inputs according to the specified rules.
2.Showroom Details Page
oView showroom details for a selected showroom (all fields).
oForm to Update showroom details for manager_name, contact_number, and address.
3.Car Management for Showroom
oForm to Add Car to a specific car showroom
oDisplay a list of cars within a specific car showroom, with options for pagination and dynamic filtering.
4.Error Handling
oRedirect the user to the home page if an invalid URL is accessed.
oShow user-friendly error messages for API errors.
Additional Guidelines:
•Authentication & Authorization: Not required but considered a plus.
•UI Input Validations: Implement all input validations for forms.
Bonus Points
oImplement authentication and authorization using Spring Security.
oAdd caching where it would improve performance (e.g., frequently accessed showroom lists).
oImplement lazy loading for optimal performance.
oAdd a simple login/logout page and secure routes (if backend authentication is implemented).
Submission Guidelines:
oProject code with clear package structure and configuration files.
oPostman or Swagger documentation for testing endpoints.
oAngular project files, ensuring all pages are linked and navigable.
oDocumentation for any special setup requirements.
oAny additional guidelines for testing the frontend functionality.
oClear instructions for setting up both frontend and backend.
oNote any assumptions or limitations.
Java Spring Boot, HTML,CSS,Angular.JS
انا مبرمج ومطور برمجيات خبرة اكثر من 7 سنوات في مجال البرمجة , لدي الخبرة في انظمة تاجير السيارات باستخدام asp api للبرمجة الخلفية و angular للواجهات الامامية
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