


تفاصيل العمل

Project description :

Login Form :

If you have Account , you should enter right e-mail & password or else There is error box will appear .

Signup Form:

If you don’t have Account , you should register your info .

You should enter valid e-mail & strong password or else

There is error box will appear .

Reset Form :

If you forget your password , you can change it by using forget link in Login Form .

Media Query :

To to make data shown suitable for all screen sizes.

Wishlist :

Wishlists page contain products that chosen by user from home page.

Products contain an image with description, size, & price.

User also can remove the chosen items in wishlist using delete button

Buying Scenario:

When User click on the product selected in Home page Will be taken to the product page to see more detailed information about the product .

In product page he can see more images about the product he selected which are displayed using image slider .

The user can choose his size by click on the suitable size displayed to him and the quantity he want by determining the quantity using (+) and (-) .

After user reading the price and all descriptions sorted to him then select the size and quantity ,he can press on "Add To Cart" Button.

Since he pressed on "Add To Cart" Button , A check icon will appear to make the user comfortable that his requires have been recorded .

It's not the only thing appear when client click on "Add To Cart" Button ,Another button called " Get The Cart " Will also appear .

When user click on " Get The Cart " button ,he will go to Cart page to continue his purchasing process .


We take id of items that stored in localstorage and display it in cart form.

Cart form contain items that chosen by user and will display in it.

The form contains product (image & name), price, quantity, & total price.

User can increase or decrease quantity of items or he can delete it.

There are 2 buttons: “continue shopping” which will take user back to home page to buy more items if he wants.

“Checkout” will take user to checkout page where he can proceed with the best payment method to buy items.

Checkout :

Products list :

It's take the products that the user choose to buy it from the site which are stored in the local storage and display it in the first part of the page in the small screen (but in large screen it will appeared in the right) it will also show each product Price, Size , Quantity & Total price .

Address Part :

It display the address which the user entered at registration form page which is stored in the local storage & by click on adding button will appear extra part to add another address which will also be recorded in the local storage of that user and appear in address part to make user choose which address he wants the products delivered to him in.

Payment Method part :

The user will choose the payment method and if he choose the credit card method will add the card number that will be add in the local storage.

Last part :

Is the confirmation which when the user be sure that he wants all these will click confirm and show alert of confirmation.

Extra part : the "Back to cart" button to get back to his cart.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Ahmed A.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 27
تاريخ الإضافة
تاريخ الإنجاز

المهارات المستخدمة