نبذة عني

Kindly Please check the below information for IT Consultant for your Job: -

IT Expert responsible for participating in IT strategic goals, managing the IT Department's (objectives, outcomes, operational plans, budgets, teams) reporting directly to the CEO, experience in IT Field for more than 12 years (Cloud, VOIP, servers, networks, virtualization, storage, databases, ERPs, Linux, IBM AS400, Firewalls), also more than 6 years’ in IT Projects Management (PMP, MS Project), Worked at many organizations for many Industries

and here are my Services which I can provide :

•IT Storage / Backups

•Security Firewalls

•IT Support

•IT Stock

•Infrastructure establishment

•Call Centers Implementation

•IT Solutions


•Network Management

•Cloud Computing

•Antivirus End Points

•Cameras Systems

•Access Doors, Cameras Systems

•Attendance Machines

•APIs Integrations

•Office 365 , Google Services , Microsoft Azure


•Databases Management

•Data Analysis

Thank You

Mohamed Salah


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