![صفحة تعريف منتج - Product Description Page](https://mostaql.hsoubcdn.com/uploads/thumbnails/683961/66f89644411e4/Screenshot-2024-09-29-024914.png?s=medium)
Welcome in my world
Fond of software development
Full-Stack web developer with good skills in web designing and developing.
I am a comprehensive software engineer, with good knowledge of software design, front-end and back-end technologies.
I love to structure systems and always look for superior quality; So I spend my best time fixing small details, optimizing and engineering web applications.
I like to dig deeper and understand the product lifecycle to build the best UI/UX and software architecture
- HTML, CSS, Sass, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Javascript, JQuery, TypeScript
- Vue, Nuxt, React, Next
- PHP, Laravel, WordPress, NodeJs, ExpressJS
- MySQL, MongoDB
- PWA (Progressive Web Apps), Web Components, StencilJs,
- Automation testing, JestJs, Vitest
- Git, Github, Linux
and knowledge of computer science.