وصف المشروع


I would like mainly to get an app for sports and reservation of fields, coffee tables, barbers, etc. With ability to add main categories and sub-category. Example (Main category Sport, sub category is basketball, football).

The app that I have purchased is this, which I would like to transfer it to a booking app.


A very good example of the app is xeena app, it is currently not being active but it has good idea of the process and workflow.

Link to app:

ios: https://apps.apple.com/us...

android: https://play.google.com/s...

Portal link for vendors and admin page

User features:

- Able to book nearby fields, venues, meetings rooms.

- From home page he selects the category eg Sport -> it takes him to page with All courts and able to select the sport type (eg. football, basketball, padel.. etc)

-Selects the field, and able to reserve the different sizes/field types (eg. small court - big court or 8 people meeting room or 12 people meeting room) vendor should list these types with different prices.

- Once selected a field, the user should be able to see the facilities such as bathroom, cabinates, food.. etc.

- select date, then it asks him for the lentgh (default 1 hr) and he can extend or reduce number.

- show him available slots then he chose a time and be able to book the sesion, and it takes him to summary and payment page.

- Once click on Pay (it takes him to payment gateway)

- Vendor

- Vendor should be able to change the setting of user reservation, that user should be able to pay full amount, pay percentage upfront and/or pay at facility options.

- Vendor should be able to let customers reserve freely without confirmation or based on request and approval reservations.

- Able to select from available facilites to be shown on his booking court or venue.

- Vendor able to see Transactions, recent bookings, and request payout and a page for refunds.

- Vendor Able to see reports, stats and etc.

- Vendor should be able to change the status of the booking status, pending, confirmed, completed.. etc.


- Should be able to see all transactions, reservations, clients, vendors, venues and make all required changes.

- payout, commissions and etc.

- Two payment gateways Stripe & thawani (omani company)


- No Need for handyman services or application or team list. Can be removed or ignored.

- No Need to add Address for customer.

- See available slots to book for customer. Vendor should be able to mark some slots as reserved manually.

- Able to add more photos, user can slide the photos on top to see the different photos for the service.

- No need for wallet balance.

Extra feature - Now or after go live

- Special page for requests on the sport categories only, that players can put a request tO find other players to join them. For example to play padel you need 4 players, a person can request to find one additional player to play padel at specific date/time and it shows him the court and other players can request to be approved and denied to play againts.

Malaeb App

Xeena App

PHP Laravel

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العروض المقدمة

Hi, After I have read the service requested by you I understand that you want to make fundamental changes to the vendor and customer applications and changes to...

انا مبرمج مواقع باستخدام php laravel استطيع التعديل على المشروع الموجود لديك حيث اننى لدي خبره لا بأس بها فى بناء المشاريع

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أستاذي، اتمنى من الله ان تكوني بصحة جيدة :) - هل تريد تغيير التصميم - هل تريده في مناطق محددة أنا خبير في تطوير تطبيقات الأجهزة ...

قبولك لهذا العرض يعتبر اتفاقاً بينك وبين المستقل وسيبقى موقع مستقل وسيطاً بينكما حتى تسليم المشروع. لن تتمكن من تغيير العرض أو إلغائه لاحقًا لذلك تأكد من اختيارك للعرض المناسب باتّباع النصائح التالية:

  • راجع صفحة حساب المستقل الذي اخترته واطّلع على أعماله السابقة
  • إن كانت هناك تفاصيل غير مذكورة في المشروع، فتواصل مع المستقل وأخبره بها أولًا
  • بإمكانك أن تتواصل مع المستقل وتسأله عن أية أمور تحتاجها
  • احرص دائمًا على إبقاء التواصل مع المستقل داخل الموقع قدر الإمكان وذلك لضمان حقوقك
  • لا تتردد من التواصل معنا ان احتجت لأي مساعدة، نحن نحب مساعدتك!

المستقل غير متاح لاستلام مشاريع، يمكنك ارسال تنبيه له لقبول العرض وإعادة المحاولة بعد بضعة ساعات، أو اختيار عرضاً من مستقل آخر.