تقييم المشروع

الاحترافية بالتعامل
التواصل والمتابعة
جودة العمل المسلّم
الخبرة بمجال المشروع
التسليم فى الموعد
التعامل معه مرّة أخرى
Ahmed A.
  • صاحب المشروع
Great designing skills, so flexible, and on top of that, perfect communication skills. Will definitely hire again.

وصف المشروع

The job description is in English because fluency in English is required. If you do not meet this language requirement, please do not apply.

We are looking for a talented designer to create 20 short videos per week. You will be provided with scripts, audio files, and images.

Your role will involve utilizing your design skills to produce viral and engaging videos. This includes adding video backgrounds, music, effects, and more.

Your Skills:

Proficiency in Capcut, as it is easy to use and provides all necessary materials. However, if you prefer other

editing platforms, that's acceptable as long as you ensure the use of copyright-cleared materials for social media.

You must respect deadlines. You will produce 3-5 videos per day, each lasting 30 seconds to a maximum of 1 minute, and deliver them on the same day.

Attention to detail, ensuring all elements of the video—from visuals to audio—are polished and high quality.

Digital marketing knowledge is ideal, as the video content will revolve around this subject

Ability to work independently and as part of a team, collaborating effectively with other creatives and stakeholders

This is a long-term project. If we are satisfied with your work, there will be opportunities for continued collaboration

Here are example of the video, you will be creating:




Please apply by providing examples of your work. Applications without work samples will be rejected

العروض المقدمة

Subject: Professional Video Editing Services for Your Consideration Dear Mr. Ahmed, I hope this message finds you well. After carefully reviewing the three vide...

Im happy to take on this gig, please DM me to show you my previous work in this field. I have experience with editing, making voiceovers, and even creating a wh...

Peace be upon you. I am Abdo, a graphic and social media designer who specializes in making videos using the latest modern technologies

I am happy and honored to work with you. You can watch the video attached to the presentation, and I expect that you will like my work.

Im excited to apply for the Talented Video Editor position. With my skills in video editing and design, Im ready to create engaging videos for your team. My sam...

I am a skilled designer ready to take on the challenge of creating 20 short videos per week for your project. With fluency in English and proficiency in Capcut,...

Dear ,Ahmed I am writing to express my interest in the Video Editor position advertised. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, I am excited...

Hi Mr. Ahmad, I can help you in making reel videos for TikTok. If I make videos and designs using editing programs, the most important of which is CupCat, I can...

Hello, my name is Youssef. I am a graphic designer who specializes in creating videos and reels. I am proficient in using (CapCut) and other relevant programs W...

Hi there Im Mohamed Fathy, a software engineer with an MBA from London and a specialized diploma in professional ADS Directing and content creation for business...

Hello , my name is OUSSAMA OUCHENE and i am a motion graphic designer ,Ive read what is required and i belive that I am suitable for this job by using combiniti...

I looked at the attached examples. I can do the same and even better. I will edit your videos at the required time and according to all the specifications you w...

Hey Ahmed, I am confident in providing professional, high-quality editing for YouTube videos as outlined in the job description. My skills in design, attention ...

Hello MR : Ahmed Ive read the requirements very well , and it would be wonderful to work with you guys I have more than 4 years of experience in video editing ....

I am a content creator on TikTok and Instagram, and I have exceeded 3 million views. I can accomplish what is required in a distinctive and unconventional way a...

Hello Mr. Ahmed With your honor mohamed, video editor Of course, I speak English very well And I read the advertisement I have experience with all editing progr...

Hello Mr. Ahmed, I am Ahmed Ghoneim from Egypt. I am very excited to work with you. I can do what is required because I work as a content creator on TikTok and ...

Im glad to learn about your extensive experience as a video editor with a focus on the art of montage over the past three years. Your dedication to refining thi...

Hello mister Ahmed I am very interested to do business with you i can create original high-quality work for my clients excellent output with the best customer s...

قبولك لهذا العرض يعتبر اتفاقاً بينك وبين المستقل وسيبقى موقع مستقل وسيطاً بينكما حتى تسليم المشروع. لن تتمكن من تغيير العرض أو إلغائه لاحقًا لذلك تأكد من اختيارك للعرض المناسب باتّباع النصائح التالية:

  • راجع صفحة حساب المستقل الذي اخترته واطّلع على أعماله السابقة
  • إن كانت هناك تفاصيل غير مذكورة في المشروع، فتواصل مع المستقل وأخبره بها أولًا
  • بإمكانك أن تتواصل مع المستقل وتسأله عن أية أمور تحتاجها
  • احرص دائمًا على إبقاء التواصل مع المستقل داخل الموقع قدر الإمكان وذلك لضمان حقوقك
  • لا تتردد من التواصل معنا ان احتجت لأي مساعدة، نحن نحب مساعدتك!

المستقل غير متاح لاستلام مشاريع، يمكنك ارسال تنبيه له لقبول العرض وإعادة المحاولة بعد بضعة ساعات، أو اختيار عرضاً من مستقل آخر.