السلام عليكم
اواجه مشكله مع سيرفري vps ، واتتني رسالة من ادارة السيرفر
نص الرسالة :
We have indications that there was an attack from your server.
Please take all necessary measures to avoid this in the future and to solve the issue.
We also request that you send a short response to us. This response should contain information about how this could have happened and what you intend to do about it.
In the event that the following steps are not completed successfully, your server can be blocked at any time after the 2022-06-17 12:43:06 +0200.
ارغب في ايجاد حل عاجل للمشكله
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مساء الخير، حسب مانشرته فالامر متعلق بسكريبتات او برامج تقوم بتثبيتها على السيرفر الخاص بك و هذه الادوات تستعمل لاستهداف مواقع اخرى وهذا ماجعلهم يتواصلون معك به...
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