وصف المشروع

you can find the class project guidelines and rubrics for evaluation. I also attached 4 sample projects from previous years:

General Description

The project needs to address some questions that interest you with the statistical methodology we learn in the course. You choose the question; you decide how to collect data; you do the analyses. The questions can address almost any topic (I recommend to be from your work).

You should work in groups of two to three people on the project. A report and presentation should be submitted at the due date assigned above. All team members should participate in preparing the report and presenting their project. A guideline for report writing is given below

You should get started on the project as early as possible, particularly in thinking about acquiring data and collecting background information. Keep in mind that by the end of lectures, you will have learned many statistical techniques, such as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and regression. These techniques will help you address your question of interest.

The most important aspects of any statistical analysis are stating questions and collecting data. Hence, to get the full experience of running your own study, the project requires you to analyze data that you collect. It is not permissible to use data sets that have been put together by others.

Good projects begin with very clear and well-defined hypotheses. You should think of questions that interest you first, then worry about how to collect and analyze data to address those questions. .

It is important to be thoughtful about, and provide an adequate description of, the methods and design of the study. Report on the possible biases associated with your data collection. Finally, you should make use of the concepts and methods learned in this course, and not just general knowledge, in planning and completing this type of project.

Project Report

Your group should HAND IN ONE PROJECT Report (with all group members' names) by the due date given above. Your report should address the following questions:

•What is the topic of your project?

•What are the main issues or problems you are investigating?

•Background information about your project?

•Describe the data you collected, including the variables measured

•Methodology of data analysis



Project grading guidelines

Grades will be based on the following characteristics:

1.Consistency: Did you answer your question of interest?

2.Clarity:Is it easy for your reader to understand what you did and the arguments you made?

3.Relevancy:Did you use statistical techniques wisely to address your question?

4.Interest:Did you tackle a challenging, interesting question (good), or did you just collect descriptive statistics (bad)?

Some suggestions for scoring high on these criteria, and suggestions you should keep in mind whenever you write anything, are the following:

1.Know you audience. In this case, your classmate or employer

2.State your question up front, and use statistics to help answer it. The statistics should not drive the question; the question should drive the statistics.

3.Don't just collect data and publish it, rather have a specific question in mind. Consult with me before proceeding further.

4.Be selective with computer output to help clarity.

If you are using techniques we learned in class, you do not have to re-explain the techniques. If you are using techniques that we did not cover in class, you should definitely explain the techniques.


You can download previous projects from this link. If it doesn't work for you please let me know.

Thank you.

أضف عرضك الآن

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شارك المشروع

قبولك لهذا العرض يعتبر اتفاقاً بينك وبين المستقل وسيبقى موقع مستقل وسيطاً بينكما حتى تسليم المشروع. لن تتمكن من تغيير العرض أو إلغائه لاحقًا لذلك تأكد من اختيارك للعرض المناسب باتّباع النصائح التالية:

  • راجع صفحة حساب المستقل الذي اخترته واطّلع على أعماله السابقة
  • إن كانت هناك تفاصيل غير مذكورة في المشروع، فتواصل مع المستقل وأخبره بها أولًا
  • بإمكانك أن تتواصل مع المستقل وتسأله عن أية أمور تحتاجها
  • احرص دائمًا على إبقاء التواصل مع المستقل داخل الموقع قدر الإمكان وذلك لضمان حقوقك
  • لا تتردد من التواصل معنا ان احتجت لأي مساعدة، نحن نحب مساعدتك!

المستقل غير متاح لاستلام مشاريع، يمكنك ارسال تنبيه له لقبول العرض وإعادة المحاولة بعد بضعة ساعات، أو اختيار عرضاً من مستقل آخر.