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Comprehensive Sales Analysis Using Power BI

In this assignment, I developed a Power BI report that offers a deep dive into our sales performance, profit margins, and operational efficiencies. The insights gained from this report are designed to empower stakeholders with actionable data, driving informed and strategic decisions. Below is a summary of the report’s key findings:

Key Insights:

1. Most Profitable Customer:

- WakeFern stands out as our most profitable customer, contributing $765,578 in profit. With an average of 8.46 days between orders and an average order preparation time of 11 days, this customer plays a pivotal role in our revenue stream.

2. Best-Selling Product:

- Our top-selling product is Product A(placeholder for the specific product name), which has generated significant earnings. This product’s success is crucial to our overall profitability.

3. Sales & Profit Growth Forecast:

- While there was a noticeable decline in sales and profits between 2017 and 2019, strategic interventions are being planned to reverse this trend. Identifying and addressing underperforming segments will be key to revitalizing growth.

4. Operational Efficiency:

The average time to prepare each order is 10.36 days. Given that most customers place orders close to every 1 day, streamlining our order preparation processes is essential for improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

5. Profit by Sales Channel:

- Wholesale is the most profitable sales channel, accounting for 83.97% of total sales. However, there are opportunities to further optimize profits across the Distribution and Export channels.

6. Currency Management:

To ensure financial accuracy, all transactions were converted to USD using a newly created currency conversion table. This critical step prevented a potential discrepancy of over $25 million, highlighting the importance of precise currency management in global operations.

7. Evolution of Manufacturing and Distribution Warehouses:

Over the past few years, our warehousing strategy has undergone significant changes:

2017: We operated with just one warehouse.

2018: We expanded by opening a new warehouse to accommodate growing demand.

2019: We further scaled by adding two more warehouses, but notably, we also closed the oldest and largest warehouse.


The report I developed provides a comprehensive view of the company’s performance across various metrics. It’s a powerful tool for tracking progress, identifying potential issues, and strategizing for future growth. I’m excited to apply these insights to drive continued success and to refine my approach based on feedback from peers and mentors.

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