تفاصيل العمل

Categories Distribution:

Pie Chart displaying the distribution of projects across various categories, such as Product Design, Documentary, Music, Tabletop Games, etc.

Each slice represents a category, with its size indicating the proportion of total projects in that category.

Key Metrics:

Spent Money: Displays the total amount of money spent on the projects, with a total of 3,430M.

Bakers Number: Shows the total number of backers supporting these projects, totaling 39.99M.

Accepted Projects: The number of projects that have been accepted or successfully funded, amounting to 134K.

Number of Bakers by Country:

Bar Chart showing the distribution of backers across different countries.

The U.S. leads with 293K backers, followed by the UK with 34K, and other countries like Canada, Australia, Germany, and others also contributing.

Countries Visualization:

Map visualizing the geographical distribution of backers, providing insights into which regions are most active in crowdfunding.

Analysis Goals:

Category Insights: Understand which categories are most popular and receive the most funding.

Global Distribution: Analyze the global distribution of backers, identifying key markets and regions.

Key Metrics Monitoring: Track the overall success of crowdfunding campaigns through metrics like total money spent, number of backers, and accepted projects.

Strategic Decision-Making: Use the insights to make informed decisions on where to focus marketing efforts, identify growth opportunities, and understand market dynamics.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Muhammed A.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 4
تاريخ الإضافة

المهارات المستخدمة