تفاصيل العمل

An online food ordering app built with the T3 Stack, featuring authentication and payment integration. Supports multiple languages Arabic and English. It includes a robust admin panel for managing users, orders, categories, and products.

# Features

- User authentication and authorization: Secure login system for users and admins.

Menu browsing and food item selection: Users can browse through a variety of menu options and select their desired- food items.

- Order placement and management: Users can place orders for food items, and admins can manage these orders.

Responsive design for mobile and desktop: The application is designed to be accessible and usable on both mobile - devices and desktop computers.

- Real-time order updates: Users receive real-time updates on the status of their orders.

- Secure payment processing with Stripe: Integration with Stripe for secure payment processing.

- Multi-language support: The application supports both Arabic and English languages.

- Admin dashboard: An administrative interface where admins can manage users, orders, categories, and products.

This includes functionalities such as:

- User management: Admins can view, create, edit, and delete user accounts.

- Order management: Admins can view and update the status of orders, such as marking them as fulfilled or canceled.

- Category management: Admins can manage categories of food items, including creating, editing, and deleting categories.

- Product management: Admins can manage individual food products, including adding new products, updating existing ones, and removing products from the menu.

# Technologies Used

- Next.js: React framework for server-side rendering and static site generation

- NextAuth.js: Authentication for Next.js

- TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript for static typing

- Prisma: ORM for database management

- TRPC: Typesafe APIs using TypeScript

- Chadcn UI: Accessible UI components

- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework

- Zustand: State management library

- Stripe: Payment processing

- Framer Motion: Animations

- React Hook Form: Forms and validation

- Zod: TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation

- Uploadthing: to upload files

- Upstash: Redis database service for rate limiting

- React Email: Email components and management

- Neon DB: Serverless Postgres database

- React Query: Data fetching and synchronization

- Next-intl: Internationalization for Next.js applications

- TanStack Table: A flexible library for building tables in React

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mahmoud E.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 8
تاريخ الإضافة
تاريخ الإنجاز