تفاصيل العمل

# odoo_training_task2

HMS Odoo addon

# Task Statements:

1- Create new module called “hms”.

2- Create a model for patient called “hms.patient”.

3 Create needed menus to view/create patients' data.

4 The model contains the following data:

First name

Last name

Birth date

History (html)

CR Ratio (float)

Blood type (drop down)

PCR (checkbox)

Image (upload image)

Address (text)


5- Create a model for departments called “hms.department” contains the following:


Capacity (integer)

Is_opened (boolean)


6- Create a model for doctors called “hms.doctors” contains the following:

First Name

Last Name


7- The patient model should be linked to department and doctors and the selected department capacity should be shown from the patient view too.

8- Add new log history for the patient, and the log record shows the following date:

Created by



9- The patient should have a states (Undetermined, Good, Fair, Serious), and With each change of the state a new log record is being created with a description of (State changed to NEW_STATE).

10- The patient can’t choose a closed department.

11- The Doctors field is a many2many tags and should be readonly until the department is being selected.

12- The first name and last name are required.

13- If The pcr field is checked, the CR ratio field should be mandatory.

14- The history field should be hidden if the age is less than 50.

15- The PCR field should be automatically checked if the age is lower than 30 and show a warning message that it has been checked.

16- Add email field to patients' model and make sure that it is a valid and unique email address.

17- Link patient model with customers model from CRM module by adding a new field in customers model called “related_patient_id” and show this field inside Misc group within sales and purchase tab.

18- Convert the patient’s age field to be auto calculated based on birth date.

19- Add a constraint on CRM customer model which prevents linking customer with email which already exists in patient model.

20- Prevent users to delete any customer linked to a patient.

21- Show website field in the list view for customers.

22- Make the Tax ID field mandatory for CRM Customers.

23- Create two new user groups (user , manager).

24- The user group has the following access rights:

Can create/read/update his own patients records

Can read only departments

Can read only doctors

Can’t view doctor fields in patients’ form view

Can’t view doctors’ menu item

25- The Manager group has the following access rights:

Can create/read/update/delete all patients records

Can create/read/update/delete departments

Can create/read/update/delete doctors

Can view doctor fields in patients form view

Can view doctors menu item

26- Create a patients report like the following design.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mohammed A.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 7
تاريخ الإضافة