تفاصيل العمل

I have completed various projects, including a robot arm, sumo robot, production line, and smart washing machine. Below is a brief overview of each project:

1. **Robot Arm**:

- I developed an Arduino code to control a robot arm for forward and reverse movements. The robot arm is capable of picking up an object and returning it to a specific location, operating in both modes. I performed analysis on the gripping mechanism as well as the forward and reverse movements.

2. **Sumo Robot**:

- This robot mimics the concept of sumo wrestling. The robot moves in all directions and pushes another robot out of the combat area when it detects one. I wrote the Arduino code to control the robot's movements and used IR sensors to detect objects in front of it. Additionally, I utilized SolidWorks to design and model the robot and wrote the necessary Arduino code and connections.

3. **Production Line**:

- This large-scale project consisted of several stages.

- In the first stage, a bottle moves along a belt, controlled using MATLAB and Arduino, with motor control. At the end of the belt, an IR sensor detects the bottle and stops the belt, allowing the bottle to enter the next part of the project.

- In the second stage, the bottle is filled using a pump, where I controlled the filling level and calibrated the pump.

- The third stage involves capping the bottle using a stepper motor, programmed with MATLAB and Arduino.

- Finally, the bottle is moved to a box, completing the process.

- For this project, I wrote MATLAB and Arduino code, designed the production line using SolidWorks, and manufactured parts using CNC and 3D printing.

4. **Smart Washing Machine**:

- I developed this project using PLC programming to create an intelligent washing machine.


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بطاقة العمل

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عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 7
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