تفاصيل العمل

Scentence is an innovative e-commerce platform meticulously crafted to offer users a seamless and delightful shopping experience across various product categories. The frontend repository exclusively houses the client-side code, responsible for orchestrating the user interface and interactions.


For Admin

Authentication: Administrators possess the privilege to securely log in using their pre-registered email and password credentials.

Product Management: Administrators wield the authority to execute CRUD operations on products, facilitating tasks such as creation, modification, deletion, and updates. Each product entry encompasses essential attributes including title, image, price, and detailed specifications.

Order Management: Administrators can efficiently oversee orders, meticulously categorized as pending, accepted, or rejected. Furthermore, they retain the capability to dynamically modify the state of orders as per operational exigencies.

For User

Authentication: Users are empowered to register within the platform using their email, username, password, image, and gender.

Navigational Accessibility: Unregistered users can peruse the home and about pages without mandatory authentication.

Seamless Product Exploration: Users are endowed with intuitive search functionalities enabling swift product discovery by name. They can seamlessly peruse all available products, add desired items to their cart, and effortlessly proceed to checkout to consummate their purchase.

Effortless Profile Management: Users retain full autonomy over their profile, enabling them to view and meticulously edit personal information. Additionally, they possess a comprehensive overview of their order history, categorized as accepted, rejected, or pending, with the added functionality to cancel pending orders.

Additional Features for User

Category Filtering: Users can filter products based on categories for enhanced browsing experience.

Online Card Payment: Seamless integration with Stripe allows users to make secure online payments, enhancing convenience and security.

Re-order Feature: Simplify the ordering process with a re-order feature, enabling users to swiftly repeat previous orders.

Wishlist: Users can save desired products to a wishlist for future reference or purchase.

Cloudinary Integration: Integration with Cloudinary allows users to upload and manage their profile pictures, enhancing personalization and user experience.

Additional Features for Admin

Product Image Upload: Administrators can effortlessly add product images through Cloudinary integration, simplifying the product management process.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Basmala M.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 7
تاريخ الإضافة
تاريخ الإنجاز

المهارات المستخدمة