


تفاصيل العمل

Project Overview: This project is a simple website created using HTML and CSS. It is designed to showcase various web development skills and practices, including responsive design for both desktop and mobile devices. The website consists of multiple sections, including a navigation bar, a video section, informational boxes, and a footer.

Project Structure:

index.html: This is the main HTML file that structures the entire webpage. It contains all the content, including headers, navigation, sections, and the footer.

stylexxx.css: This is the main CSS file that defines the styling for the webpage. It includes various CSS rules for text formatting, layout, colors, and responsiveness.

Images: The project includes image files, such as "devIcon.png" and "iOS_Slope.png," which are used as icons and decorative elements on the webpage.

Key Features:

Navigation Bar: The website has a responsive navigation bar at the top. The navigation links are styled and are designed to adapt to different screen sizes.

Header Section: The header section includes a gradient background and a prominent title with a call to action.

Video Section: This section displays an embedded YouTube video within a responsive container.

Informational Boxes: Three informational boxes are displayed, each containing an icon, a label, and a description. These boxes are designed to provide brief information about different aspects of the project.

Learn More Button: A "Learn More" button is prominently placed, which can be used to direct users to additional information or pages.

Article Section: This section includes an article with Lorem Ipsum text and an accompanying image.

Footer: The footer provides information about the company, including links to different pages and social media profiles.

Responsive Design:

The website is designed to be responsive and adapt to various screen sizes, including desktop and mobile devices. The navigation menu collapses into a mobile-friendly dropdown menu when viewed on smaller screens.

Author: Hazem Swelam

Contact Information: hazemswelam12@gmail.com

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Hazem S.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 62
تاريخ الإضافة