تفاصيل العمل

Jar Bricole is your go-to solution for quick and efficient service connections. Whether you need a handyman for a home repair or a skilled professional for a specific task, Jar Bricole connects you with trusted workers in your area. With user-friendly interfaces for both clients and workers, as well as an admin panel for overseeing operations, Jar Bricole offers a seamless experience for all users.

Key Features:

For Clients:

Service Selection: Choose from a wide range of service categories, including electrician, plumber, and more.

Booking Options: Decide between scheduling an appointment (RDV) at your preferred time or opting for immediate service assistance.

Efficient Matching: For RDV bookings, our admin team ensures your booking is assigned to a skilled worker. For immediate service, we connect you with the nearest available worker.

Real-time Tracking: Track the location of your assigned worker on the map, so you know when to expect their arrival.

Ratings and Reviews: Rate and provide feedback on the service you received, helping others make informed decisions.

In Multiple Languages: Access the app in both Arabic and French for your convenience.

For Workers (Jar Bricole Worker):

Profile Approval: Our admin panel verifies and approves worker profiles to maintain a trusted network.

Booking Management: Accept or decline incoming bookings and receive job details.

Real-time Notifications: Stay updated with instant notifications about new service requests.

Efficient Routing: Get routed to the client's location with GPS directions.

Earnings and Invoices: Receive invoices for your services and view your earnings history.

Client Ratings: Build your reputation through client ratings and reviews.

For Admin:

Worker Management: Approve, block, or manage worker profiles to maintain quality.

Booking Oversight: Receive booking requests and assign them to suitable workers.

Billing and Invoicing: Generate and send invoices to both clients and workers.

Location Tracking: Monitor workers' real-time locations on a map for efficient service management.

Booking Status: Keep track of all bookings, including their statuses (completed, canceled, etc.).

Ratings and Reviews: View worker ratings and client feedback to ensure service quality.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Abdelhakim Fouad M.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 9
تاريخ الإضافة

المهارات المستخدمة