


تفاصيل العمل

This code appears to be a header file for a motor driver library in C++. A header file typically contains declarations for functions, constants, and other objects that can be used in other parts of a program. Here's a quick overview of what this header file does:

The #ifndef and #define directives are used to prevent multiple inclusions of the header file. This ensures that the code in the header file is only included once in a program.

The #define directive defines a constant value named "Motor_speed" with a value of 150.

The function declarations specify the interface for the motor driver library. These functions include:

Motor_Driver_init(): Initializes the motor driver.

Car_motion_forward(int speed): Moves the car forward at a specified speed.

Car_motion_backword(int speed): Moves the car backward at a specified speed.

Car_motion_turn_right(int speed): Turns the car to the right at a specified speed.

Car_motion_turn_left(int speed): Turns the car to the left at a specified speed.

Car_motion_stop(): Stops the car.

Car_motion_manipulation(int angle): Manipulates the car in a specific angle.

Car_motion_reverse_left(int speed): Moves the car in reverse to the left at a specified speed.

Car_motion_reverse_right(int speed): Moves the car in reverse to the right at a specified speed.

Car_motion_acceleration_full(int speed): Accelerates the car at a specified speed.

Car_motion_acceleration_Right(int speed): Accelerates the car to the right at a specified speed.

Car_motion_acceleration_Left(int speed): Accelerates the car to the left at a specified speed.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mahhmuud N.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 16
تاريخ الإضافة