وصف المشروع

Scope of the Project

The scope of the project is to design and develop the Freelancer and on demand services website with attractive and visually appealing design and complete Functionality.

Technology to used

•PHP Language

•Laravel Framework

•MySQL Database

•Server: Any Linux Server.

•Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention.

•Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention

•Password Hashing

•Avoiding SQL Injection

•Modules Included

•Freelancer Portal

•Panels included for the above: User, Guest User, Buyer Panel, Seller Panel, Super Admin and Advanced features.

Freelancer Features


•Skills in Demand

•List of Service Category

•List of Projects and statistics

•Project Details

•Latest Bids Listing

•Rich featured Payment Gateway

•System Alert message

•Search Filters

•Content or Unique Design

•Traffic Figures

•Number of Customers

•Number of projects posted

•Hire per hour /day/ week /month for specific category (admin choose these category)



View details of Users, Pending approvals, Active Order details and Support Tickets details.

•Proposal & Services

View details of orders. Admin can preview, Pause or Trash Proposal. View Active or Deactivate Status. You can filter details by Category, Time and Seller level.


View Date Wise Filter and details of Sales done. View Order and Proposal details and Amount of Profits earned.


Enter Service details Title and Description with amount and Add Expenses.

•Pending Pay-outs

View Details of Pending Pay-outs with Ref no. You can View User Details, Approve or Decline Pay- outs. View details of Declined and Completed Pay-outs.

•View Reports

View Report Details of Ordered, Messages and Proposal details.

•Buyer Requests

View details of Active, Pending, Declined details. Admin can Approve or Decline Buyer Requests.


Enter Category Title, Description details with Category Image. You can make them as Featured Category from Admin. View list of Category.

•Sub Category

Enter Sub Category Title, Description details with Sub Category Image. You can make them as Featured Sub Category from Admin. View list of Sub Category.

•Delivery Time

Enter Proposal and Delivery Time. This will show on Categories, Sub Categories and on related proposal pages.

•Hire Time

Enter how long should the person be hired per day, week, month, or custom

•Multi Currency

Add Currency rate and Currency code from Admin. You can add multiple currency from Admin.


The entire user side of the script can be customized to the language of your choice.


Add Multiple Skills. You can view list of skill details. You can edit or delete seller.


Enter Coupon Details, Add Price and Amount details and Code for Coupon.

•Customer Management

Create customer profiles in multiple groups like registered and guest customers, view and manage wish list, coupons, etc.


View All Staff Roles, Create and Manage Roles. Edit or Delete them. Customize them.

•RTL Compatibility

Compatible writing with Right to Left language like Arabic or English and offers bidirectional support on all browsers.

•Slider Settings

Upload your Layer/Top Slider Banners, Logos, and Default Images etc. from Admin

•Promotional Banners

Place attractive promotional banners for user’s reach, by helping them buy more.

•SEO Friendly

Add Meta, ALT Tags, Meta Description and Title details to update SEO from Admin. Manage your Keywords, Social Network Reach, and Alexa Traffic Rank/Graphs etc.


Add & Update Banners to Advertisement. These ads will then be showcased to the Users browsing through your Website


Enable SMS and Newsletter Subscription feature and connect to subscribers through email and sms marketing.

•Admin can close or suspend the account

•Admin can login to any user

•Admin can create all kind of users from his side


•OTP Login

Supports Social Media Login (FB and Twitter,Google). Sign up with a mobile number to allow Login using OTP (One Time Password) for a password less login access to your Website.


View details of Order Completed, Delivered Orders, Cancelled ones, Details and count of purchase details.

•Client Login

Client is for people who are seeking for freelancers to get their work done. They have accessibility to Post a Job and Contact Freelancers.

•Freelancer Login

People who wish to be a freelancer can login here with Unique ID with Email Address. Search Profiles by Ratings, Location, their Language, their Level. You can send them a message & get to know more details.

•Payment Gateway

Payment Gateways such as Areeba PayPal and cash on delivery, are integrated. You can activate and deactivate it from Admin

•Real Time Messaging

You can send and receive messages to other Workers or Freelancers.


View details and updates on work in progress on the website.

•Custom Order

Create an Offer for the Freelancer. Select a Proposal or service you Offer with Delivery Time and Date and the Amount.


Search for Proposal of your Service or Quantity. Apply Coupon Code and Purchase it.


Search services based on Category, Delivery Time ,online etc. View list of Service details. Compare Packages. Add to Cart or Favourite list.

•Become a Seller

Make sure you have a creative Profile. Customer will actually read through your content.

•Submit Proposal

After creating your Proposal or service, submit it so the admin can approve it. Once the Admin approves, the proposal will be visible.

•Get Orders

Once the Proposal or Service is approved by Admin. Start receiving order from Customers from all over the world.


Once you receive orders, try your best to satisfy customers. Communicate with them and make sure you deliver in time.

•Get Paid on Time

Once your work is done on time. Get payment transferred to you. Our system should have PayPal, visa , Wallet multi Currencies.

•Manage Request

View details of requests i.e Active, Paused, Pending, approved requests. Choose actions, View or delete requests.

•Post Request

Include all the necessary details for a request. Choose Category and Sub Category details. Set a Delivery Time and Budget for this Service.

•Referral System

For each unique member you refer that signs up, you will get $1 added to your shopping balance, once it is approved.

•Proposal Referrals

You can track all the proposals you have successfully promoted and the commission you have awarded for promoting them.


Update you Language and Skills. View Proposals and Services you have offered. You can Create a new Proposal here. View most recent reviews.

•View bids

Receive free bids from our talented freelancers within seconds.

•Live chat

You can live chat with your freelancers to get constant updates on the progress of your work.

•24/7 support

We’re always here to help. Our support consists of real people who are available 24/7.


•Find a Service

Find a Service Compare Prices, time, portfolios, ratings and community recommendations in order to find the seller that suits you the best. You can send them and enquiry or post a request.


View details of Orders. Active, Delivered and Completed List. View details of Pending and On Progress details.


View details of Purchases done with Date and Amount details.


Enter complete details so the seller can provide you with quality service. Once the service is completed you will be rewarded with payment.


The Seller will deliver service within a specified time frame. Exchange files from within and get feedback and view list of transactions.


If you are not satisfied with the work delivered, you can go ahead and request for modifications.

•Rate your Seller

Once you’re satisfied with the work you can provide feedback about your seller. This will help other buyers looking through proposals or services.



Post a proposal or service suitable with your skills. Enter specific details, so your clients know exactly what they have to pay for.

•Create a Coupon

Enter Coupon details, price, Code and Limit. Select the Proposal for which you want the coupon to available and submit it.

•Revenue Earned

View details of Amounts Withdrawals, Proposals Services. Withdraw to PayPal or visa Account, western union or Wallet.

•Buyer Requests

View details of Buyer Requests and their details. View Date and Duration of project Details. View Budget details and Send Offer. You can Accept or Remove request.


Respond to customer queries, as well as request for offers (new requirement) with time. Good communication leads to successful endeavours.


Make sure you satisfy the customers the same. Give them the best service regardless the transaction value.

•Precise Date

Try to be on prefect on Date of Delivery. Buyers can cancel the order once the order passes the delivery date. That will lead to no payment for the work done.


•Social Media Log In

This allows clients to enter your Freelancer website through social media logins. It gives your consumers the seamless experience.

•Social Share

You can share your Jobs or details through Social Media to your other colleagues.

•Live Chat

With live chat integration reply to queries, make easy live conversation & ensure support.

•ERP Feature

ERP package enable a corporation to take care of master lists of all customers and vendors, the product it sells, the fabric company procures, chart of accounts list, worker knowledge & knowledge that company owns.

•Record New Entry

Suppose a brand new marketer should be recorded within the master knowledge. Correct marketer ID, his actual verified location, payment terms and mechanism and credit limits are recorded. Erp System take care of data entry in a reliable form.

•ERP Report

Tools for querying info and generating unexpected reports area unit accessible within the ERP system. These tools conjointly embrace customizable dashboards, making completely different graphs and different visual representations.


A CRM element of ERP system principally keeps track of all of your client and sales information. This module includes options like insights of sales patterns and client behaviors, client preferences.

Service on Demand Section

When the buyer hire the person it will be send to the admin if the admin approve it. Then the service provider will receive an email with all details about the service like how many hour or day was she hired at the same time it will be shown on the platform as hired no one can hire her till the admin set it as available


•Quality Testing for the entire website

•Fixing if any bug is found

•2 months maintenance after submit the entire website


•Migrating the site from local server to live server

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مدة تسليم المشروع بين 20 و 30 يوم

أضف عرضك الآن

العروض المقدمة

مرحبا أخي أحمد، يمكن تقديم المطلوب و بنائه من الصفر بإستعمال Laravel و بجميع النقاط التي طلبتها و بكل عناية. العمل سيكون إحترافي، لذلك إن كنت مهتم أو تريد الإست...

السلام عليكم يمكنك الاطلاع على خبرتي من خلال معرض الأعمال أنا م . محمود عيد قمت بتنفيذ العديد من التطبيقات التي لاقت رواجا في عدة مجالات أهمها تطبيق Home Impuls...

قمنا بعمل نفس المشروع سابقا مع إضافة العديد من المزايا لة مثل اختبار المتقدم و عرض بعض المصادر التعليمية و استخدمنا تكنولوجيا ASP.net C# SQL server MVC لان المو...

السلام عليكم يمكنني برمجة الموقع بالمواصفات المطلوبة وفي الوقت المحدد. لقد عملت على برمجة موقع ERP كامل بلغة PHP من قبل. فيه أهم الخصائص المطلوبة. قادر علي تنفي...

قبولك لهذا العرض يعتبر اتفاقاً بينك وبين المستقل وسيبقى موقع مستقل وسيطاً بينكما حتى تسليم المشروع. لن تتمكن من تغيير العرض أو إلغائه لاحقًا لذلك تأكد من اختيارك للعرض المناسب باتّباع النصائح التالية:

  • راجع صفحة حساب المستقل الذي اخترته واطّلع على أعماله السابقة
  • إن كانت هناك تفاصيل غير مذكورة في المشروع، فتواصل مع المستقل وأخبره بها أولًا
  • بإمكانك أن تتواصل مع المستقل وتسأله عن أية أمور تحتاجها
  • احرص دائمًا على إبقاء التواصل مع المستقل داخل الموقع قدر الإمكان وذلك لضمان حقوقك
  • لا تتردد من التواصل معنا ان احتجت لأي مساعدة، نحن نحب مساعدتك!

المستقل غير متاح لاستلام مشاريع، يمكنك ارسال تنبيه له لقبول العرض وإعادة المحاولة بعد بضعة ساعات، أو اختيار عرضاً من مستقل آخر.