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تقييم المشروع

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Peer-graded Assignment: Create Your Content Calendar

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InstructionsMy submissionDiscussions

Understanding what a content calendar is and actually creating one are two different things. In this project, you will practice creating a 1 week content calendar and take a look at your peers’ content calendars. You’ll be able to use our template and have a chance to see what your classmates put together.

When reviewing your peers’ calendars, look for new and inventive ideas for content. Consider what you can take away from the project in terms of organizational systems around marketing content.

Review criteria


This project will be worth 10 points. 5 points for your Content Ideas and 5 points for the week-long calendar based on the specific requirements for each section:

Content Ideas Tab

(1 pt) There is at least 1 content idea in each content category.

(2 pts) There are at least 8 content ideas across all categories.

(2pts) All content ideas are related in some way to the same business.

Week Calendar Tab

(1 pt) There is at least 1 piece of content from each of your content categories.

(2 pt) There are at least 3 pieces of evergreen content.

(2 pts) There are at least 4 pieces of content on your week-long calendar overall.

Step-By-Step Assignment Instructions


Setup instructions:

For this project, you will be sharing your calendar as a spreadsheet. To prepare for the project, start by opening the calendar template below.

There are two options to access the Content Calendar Template.

Download an Excel version of the worksheet by clicking here.

Make a copy of the template by clicking here, then clicking the Make a copy button. You will need to be signed in to a Google account in order to make a copy of the worksheet.

Decide which company you will use for this project. We highly suggest you continue building out your portfolio by using the same company you used in your project for the Introduction to Social Media Marketing course; however If you would like to use a different company, you’re welcome to do so.

How to submit:

For this project, upload your spreadsheet, including your completed “Content Ideas” and “Week Calendar” tabs for review.

How to create your assignment:

When you open the calendar template, you’ll notice there are two tabs, one called “Content Ideas” and one called “Week Calendar.”

Step 1: Content ideas

You will start by identifying your major categories. We suggest starting with the following categories, which you’ll find populated in the template, and then adding your own as needed:





Once you’ve finalized your categories, you’ll begin filling in some content ideas. Your goal is to think about content that will keep your customers interested and engaged and will capture new members of your target audience. If you get stuck coming up with ideas, we encourage you to rewatch the video from this course on Creating a Content Calendar. Consider the following as you complete Step 1:

Is there at least 1 content idea in each content category?

Are there at least 8 content ideas across all categories?

Are all content ideas related in some way to the same business?

Step 2: Create your calendar

Use your list of ideas for your content to build out a one week content calendar.

Go to the “Week Calendar” tab in the template to complete this step.

Adapt the calendar template to fit your needs. Where the calendar reads “Platform 1,” “Platform 2,” and “Platform 3,” fill in the names of the social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) your selected business would use. We encourage you to use three platforms, however if your selected business uses fewer than three platforms, delete the extra platform rows.

Note if there are any holidays or any invented business related “holidays” in the “Day/Holiday/Event” row.

Using the ideas you created in the “Content Ideas” tab build out the “Content Focus” and “Evergreen/Ongoing” rows of your calendar. Be sure to include the following:

Is there at least 1 piece of content from each of your content categories?

Are there at least 3 pieces of evergreen content?

Are there at least 4 pieces of content on your week-long calendar overall?

رابط الاكسل لدي

العروض المقدمة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله كيف حالك ا عبير استطيع مساعدتك في انشاء الcontent Callender واتمامه على افضل وجه لكنني احتاج الي معرفة المجال الذي بدأتي به في مشروعك ال...

اقدر اسويلك كل المطلوب في مدة يوم تواصلي معي من اجل البدء في العمل احتاج البقاء معك على تواصل حتى اكمل المشروع

قبولك لهذا العرض يعتبر اتفاقاً بينك وبين المستقل وسيبقى موقع مستقل وسيطاً بينكما حتى تسليم المشروع. لن تتمكن من تغيير العرض أو إلغائه لاحقًا لذلك تأكد من اختيارك للعرض المناسب باتّباع النصائح التالية:

  • راجع صفحة حساب المستقل الذي اخترته واطّلع على أعماله السابقة
  • إن كانت هناك تفاصيل غير مذكورة في المشروع، فتواصل مع المستقل وأخبره بها أولًا
  • بإمكانك أن تتواصل مع المستقل وتسأله عن أية أمور تحتاجها
  • احرص دائمًا على إبقاء التواصل مع المستقل داخل الموقع قدر الإمكان وذلك لضمان حقوقك
  • لا تتردد من التواصل معنا ان احتجت لأي مساعدة، نحن نحب مساعدتك!

المستقل غير متاح لاستلام مشاريع، يمكنك ارسال تنبيه له لقبول العرض وإعادة المحاولة بعد بضعة ساعات، أو اختيار عرضاً من مستقل آخر.