تفصيل المشروع كالاتي اهم حاجة كتابة كود نظيف و Unit Testing
This coding challenge is about creating a small react native application using Rick and Morty
public graphql API https://rickandmortyapi.c...
First Screen, Character list page:
- Create a screen that contains a list of Rick and Morty characters.
- Every item in the list should show only the name and the picture of the character.
- Implement pagination, the list should show more items when the user scrolls down.
- Add search functionality which users can filter the characters' names. Search area
should be placed at the top. The result should change on the fly while the user is typing.
Second Screen, Character details page:
- Create a second screen that contains a character's details. The App should navigate to
this screen when the user selects a character from the first screen.
- Screen characters details should show the name, picture, species, gender and the list
of episodes. An episode item contains the name and air date.
- TypeScript.
- GraphQL (Apollo client).
- React navigation 5.
- Hooks.
- Unit testing is mandatory.
- Any external library is allowed to be used.
- Design is up to you.
فهمت المطلوب و أنا جاهز للتعاون معك و تشغيل التطبيق على جهازك بكل الميزات التي تم شرحها في الوصف سبق لي العمل على مشروع مشابه و يمكنني تقديم شرح كامل للكود و كي...