تفاصيل العمل

MovieAppQ is a sample Android project using The Movie DB API based on MVVM architecture. It showcases the app development with well-designed architecture and up-to-date Android tech stacks.

Features Project Android:

100% Kotlin

Dagger Hilt

MVVM architecture

Android architecture components

Navigation Jetpack

Single activity



Features App

Discover the most popular and the most rated movies

User can view and play trailers on youtube

Shows a list of reviews for each movie

Users can mark a movie as favorite in the details view by tapping a heart icon

Users can share movie trailers with their network

Offline support: app makes use of NetworkBoundResource, which uses database as the single source of truth

Advanced uses of Room

MVVM with Android Architecture Components(Room, LiveData, Stateflow, ViewModel)

Pagination and endless scrolling using Android paging library.

Material design.

Dagger dependency injector