تفاصيل العمل

This project is a library management API built using the NestJS framework. It leverages TypeScript and various NestJS modules to provide a robust and scalable backend service. Below is a detailed description of the project's structure and functionality:

Project Structure

nest-cli.json: Configuration file for the Nest CLI.

package.json: Contains metadata about the project and its dependencies.

README.md: Provides an overview and instructions for the project.

src/: Contains the source code for the application.

app.controller.ts: Defines the main application controller.

app.module.ts: The root module of the application, which imports other modules and sets up the application.

app.service.ts: Provides application-wide services.

auth/: Contains authentication-related files.

auth.controller.spec.ts: Unit tests for the authentication controller.

auth.controller.ts: Defines the authentication controller.

auth.module.ts: The authentication module, which imports necessary modules and provides authentication services.

auth.service.spec.ts: Unit tests for the authentication service.

auth.service.ts: Provides authentication-related services.

jwt-auth.guard.ts: Defines a JWT authentication guard.

jwt.strategy.ts: Defines the JWT strategy for authentication.

books/: Contains book-related files.

books.controller.spec.ts: Unit tests for the books controller.

books.controller.ts: Defines the books controller.

books.entity.ts: Defines the book entity for TypeORM.

books.module.ts: The books module, which imports necessary modules and provides book-related services.

books.service.spec.ts: Unit tests for the books service.

books.service.ts: Provides book-related services.

dto/: Contains Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) for the books module.

main.ts: The entry point of the application, which bootstraps the NestJS application.

users/: Contains user-related files.

dto/: Contains Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) for the users module.

...: Other user-related files.

test/: Contains end-to-end tests for the application.

app.e2e-spec.ts: End-to-end tests for the main application controller.

jest-e2e.json: Configuration file for Jest end-to-end testing.

tsconfig.build.json: TypeScript configuration file for building the project.

tsconfig.json: TypeScript configuration file for the project.

Key Modules and Functionality

AppModule: The root module that imports other modules such as BooksModule, AuthModule, and UsersModule. It also sets up global configurations and database connections using ConfigModule and TypeOrmModule.

BooksModule: Manages book-related operations. It includes a controller (BooksController), a service (BooksService), and an entity (Book) for interacting with the database.

AuthModule: Manages authentication and authorization. It includes a controller (AuthController), a service (AuthService), and a JWT strategy (JwtStrategy). It also imports UsersModule to handle user-related operations.

UsersModule: Manages user-related operations. It includes a service (UsersService) and an entity (User) for interacting with the database.

Main Application Entry Point

main.ts: Bootstraps the NestJS application. It sets up global validation pipes and Swagger documentation for the API.


Unit Tests: Located in the respective *.spec.ts files for each module.

End-to-End Tests: Located in the test directory, specifically in app.e2e-spec.ts.


Database Configuration: Configured in AppModule using TypeOrmModule.forRoot(). It connects to a PostgreSQL database.

Global Configuration: Managed using ConfigModule.forRoot().

This project provides a comprehensive backend service for managing a library, including user authentication, book management, and API documentation.

ملفات مرفقة

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Omer A.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 2
تاريخ الإضافة
تاريخ الإنجاز

المهارات المستخدمة