تفاصيل العمل

voice-activated personal assistant app , similar to Google Assistant , Siri or alexa. I have depends on a various libraries

to handle speech recognition, such as text-to-speech.

imported libraries

.ctypes: For system-related functions, like changing wallpaper

.datetime: To get the current date and time

.json: To handle JSON data,for web requests

.os:for file management

. random: For random selection, like picking a song or asking for randome number

subprocess: To run system commands, like shutting down the computer

.time: For handling time-related functions

.webbrowser: To open web pages on the browser

.urllib.request: To make HTTP requests

. pyjokes: To get jokes just for fuuny moments

.pyttsx3: For text-to-speech functionality

.speech_recognition: For recognizing speech input

.wikipedia: To get summaries from Wikipedia

winshell: To manage Windows shell features, like recycling the bin

wolframalpha: For performing calculations using the Wolfram Alpha API

.requests: for easily HTTP requests

.BeautifulSoup: For web scraping


speak(audio): Converts text to speech using the pyttsx3 library

wishMe(): Greets the user based on the time of day and introduces the assistant which in our case named medhat

username(): Welcomes the user back and say how it can help

takeCommand(): Listens for user voice input and uses Google’s speech recognition to convert it to text to make it

understandable for the machine

( The script runs in a loop, continuously listening for commands so the logical prosses is )

search Wikipedia: Uses the Wikipedia API to fetch summaries based on user queries.

Open websites: Commands like "open youtube" will launch the corresponding website in a web browser.

Play music: Plays a random song from a specified music directory.

Get time: Tells the user the current time.

Email commands: Allows users to send emails either to a predefined address or one specified at runtime.

Tell jokes: Uses pyjokes to tell a random joke.

Calculate: Uses the Wolfram Alpha API for mathmatical calculations.

Weather information: display weather data for a specified city using the OpenWeatherMap API.

System commands: Includes options to lock the computer, shutdown, restart, and manage files.

(Error Handling)

my code contains try-except blocks to handle exceptions, especially for speech recognition and email sending

this is just a brief explanation of my code in the future in sha alla i am going to improve it to the maximum level to make him think like my brother now you know were the name medhat came from and finaly thank you

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