تفاصيل العمل

A Few ads of several facebook/instagram campaign our company did to Mrs "Aya Omran".

Our main goal was increasing the reach of facebook/instagram pages and create "Increasing Organic Reach"

Our second primary goal was to build trust between Facebook and Instagram followers for the old and new followers at our services,specially prove to them how talented our client are.

our 3th goal was figuring out a way to target potential clients using A/B tests.

Our 4th goal was the behavioral analysis of the followers and the quality of the content they're interested in, how we talk to them, how we can motivate them to enquire about our own packages, to interact intensively with the content that we're offering and finally booking.

After 45 days of hard work, focusing on creating organic reach,analysis of the behavior of all the clients who interacted with the content provided and knowledge of the best ways to deliver our content and the best way to communicate with the customers.

we figured out best way to target our potential clients with lowest possible cost for 1 Actual client,

After more than 6 months we've been able to achieve more than 135 booking with a success rate of up to 80% of them.

With a net gain per reservation, it's estimated at more than 75%.

We've got over 35,000 extra followers on Facebook and Instagram without any paid ads.

We added Tiktok and Youtube as an additional platform to display the content.

Our client was able to open a second branch in Cairo.