تفاصيل العمل

[Opening Scene]

Narrator (calm and captivating voice):

Millions of years ago, long before humans walked the Earth, dinosaurs ruled the land. These majestic creatures lived during the Mesozoic Era, spanning over 160 million years.

[Scene Transition: A lush, prehistoric landscape]


The dinosaurs came in all shapes and sizes. From the towering, plant-eating Brachiosaurus, stretching its long neck to reach treetops, to the fierce, meat-eating Tyrannosaurus rex, the king of predators.

[Scene Transition: Different species of dinosaurs]


Some dinosaurs, like the swift and agile Velociraptor, hunted in packs, while others, like the enormous Triceratops, relied on their powerful horns for protection.

[Scene Transition: Dinosaurs living in their natural habitats]


Dinosaurs adapted to a wide range of environments—from dense jungles to vast deserts. These reptiles were incredibly diverse, with some species covered in feathers, and others bearing armored plates or spiked tails for defense.

[Scene Transition: A meteor striking the Earth]

Narrator (somber tone):

But around 66 million years ago, their reign came to an end. A massive asteroid impact changed the world forever, causing widespread destruction and wiping out most dinosaur species. Yet, their legacy lives on in the creatures we see today. Birds, our modern-day dinosaurs, are a reminder of that ancient world.

[Closing Scene: Birds flying across a sunset sky]

Narrator (hopeful tone):

The age of dinosaurs may have ended, but their story continues, reminding us of the ever-changing nature of life on Earth.

ملفات مرفقة

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mohammad E.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 2
تاريخ الإضافة
تاريخ الإنجاز