تفاصيل العمل

This project involves analyzing sales data for AdventureWorks, a fictitious company that sells outdoor equipment. The analysis focuses on product sales, and get a useful insight to

enchance the bussines. The dashboards provide insights into total sales, Product Category and a Comirson between the total sales over terriort comapring by Canda.

First Process:

Data Source: collecting data from OLTP “Direct Query”

Data Modelling: Star Schema

All Process

Data Collection: Gathered sales data from AdventureWorks database 'OLTP".

Data Extraction : Creating views to use it into power bi , Retrieved data from essential tables, views and function.

Date Table Creation: Implemented an M language script to generate a comprehensive date dimension table for enhanced time-based analysis.

Data Transformation: Cleaned and prepared the dataset by renaming tables and columns and removing unused data.

Data Modeling: Structured data into a star schema for efficient querying and analysis.

Measures: Created a set of critical measures for analysis, including the use of Orders by Order Date Measure to understand the trend of our orders in the data set.

Data Analysis: Performed descriptive statistics and trend analysis.

Data Visualization: Created interactive dashboards using Power BI .

Reporting: Summarized findings and prepared reports for stakeholders.

Product Dashboard

Total Tax: $10M

Line Total (Total Sales): $110M

Total Freight:$3M

Orders Quantity: 275K


The Maxium Quantity for each Product per Order:

Clothing: 44

Bikes: 30

Accessories: 29

Components : 23

ملفات مرفقة

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mohanad O.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 18
تاريخ الإضافة
تاريخ الإنجاز