تفاصيل العمل

This program is a simple user management tool using Python.

You can perform the following actions:

Add User

Modify User

Delete User

List Users

Add Group

Modify Group

Delete Group

List Groups

Disable User

Enable User

Change Password

Work Phases:

Planning and Requirements Gathering

Define Requirements: Clearly outline the functionalities such as adding, modifying, deleting users/groups, listing users/groups, disabling/enabling users, and changing passwords.

Choose Libraries/Frameworks: Decide on the Python libraries to be used (e.g., tkinter for the GUI, subprocess for system commands).

Design Phase

GUI Design: Sketch the layout of the GUI, ensuring it’s user-friendly and intuitive. Identify how the menu and options will be structured.

Backend Design: Outline the logic for each function (e.g., how to add a user, modify details, etc.) and how the program will interact with the system.

Development Phase

Set Up Environment: Install necessary Python packages and set up a virtual environment if needed.

Develop GUI: Implement the basic structure of the GUI using tkinter or another GUI library.

Implement Backend Functions:

Add User Functionality: Write code to add a user to the system.

Modify User Functionality: Implement functionality to modify existing user details.

Delete User Functionality: Write the logic to delete a user.

List Users Functionality: Implement a function to list all users.

Add Group Functionality: Write code to create new groups.

Modify Group Functionality: Implement functionality to modify existing groups.

Delete Group Functionality: Write the logic to delete a group.

List Groups Functionality: Implement a function to list all groups.

Disable/Enable User Functionality: Write code to disable and enable user accounts.

Change Password Functionality: Implement the password change feature.

Testing Phase

Unit Testing: Test each function individually to ensure it works as expected.

Integration Testing: Test how the functions work together within the GUI.

User Acceptance Testing: Ensure the tool behaves correctly from the end-user's perspective.

Documentation Phase

Code Documentation: Comment on the code thoroughly to explain the purpose of each function.

User Guide: Create a user manual explaining how to use the tool and its functionalities.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Yahya A.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 6
تاريخ الإضافة
تاريخ الإنجاز

المهارات المستخدمة