تفاصيل العمل

*Project Goals:*

Develop a dynamic dashboard to analyze plant sales data, providing critical insights for strategic decision-making and performance tracking.

*Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):*

- Sales This Year vs. Last Year (Month-on-Month)

- Sales This Year vs. Last Year by Country

- Sales This Year vs. Last Year by Product Type (Indoor, Outdoor, etc.)

- Gross Profit Percentage (GP%)

- Year-to-Date (YTD) vs. Prior Year-to-Date (PYTD) Sales & Total Sales

- YTD vs. PYTD Quantity & Total Quantity

- YTD vs. PYTD Gross Profit & Total Gross Profit

- Relationship Between GP% by Sales and Values in YTD (Scatter Plot)

*Power Query Editor:*

- *Data Cleaning:* Removed duplicates, standardized data formats, and ensured data integrity.

- *Data Transformation:* Applied necessary transformations to align with the project's analytical needs.


*Data Integration & Transformation:*

- Unified multiple data sources, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all datasets.

*Data Modeling & Relationships:*

- Developed a robust data model with well-defined relationships to support multi-dimensional analysis.

*Interactive Dashboards:*

- Created visually engaging and user-friendly dashboards that allow stakeholders to easily compare current and past performance metrics across different dimensions such as time, geography, and product type.

*Key Insights Extraction:*

- Defined and extracted KPIs that reflect sales performance, profitability, and growth trends.

*Dynamic Analysis:*

- Enabled dynamic filtering and comparison of metrics like sales, quantity, and gross profit, both YTD and PYTD, with a focus on differences and trends.

*DAX Functions Used:*

- *YTD & PYTD Measures:* Calculated YTD and PYTD values for sales, quantity, and gross profit.

- *Difference Calculations:* Computed differences between YTD and PYTD metrics to assess growth or decline.

- *Base Measures:* Calculated total quantity, total sales, total gross profit, and GP%.

- *Dynamic Titles:* Used DAX to generate dynamic titles that reflect the selected filters and data context.


This project highlights my expertise in leveraging Power BI to deliver detailed and actionable insights into plant sales performance. The dashboard provides a comprehensive view of sales dynamics, profitability, and growth trends, empowering stakeholders to make data-driven decisions and optimize business strategies.

ملفات مرفقة

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Lamiaa W.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 5
تاريخ الإضافة