تفاصيل العمل

Here is the translation of the summary in both Arabic and English:


نظرة عامة عن الحضارة الفرعونية

**الفترة الأولى (حوالي 3100 - 2613 قبل الميلاد)**

بدأت الفترة الأولى بتوحيد مصر العليا والمصرية السفلى بواسطة الملك منس، الذي أسس الأسرة الأولى. هذه الفترة رأتการพัฒน نظام حكومة مركزية، مع الملك الفرعون هو الحاكم، ونظام دعم اقتصادي. عاصمة الدولة كانت ميمفيس، التي تقع بالقرب من القاهرة الحديثة.

**الفترة الوسطى (حوالي 2040 - 1640 قبل الميلاد)**

الفترة الوسطى كانت okresedت Cultural واقتصادية، خلال οποία بني العديد من المعابد والمتاحف. عاصمة الدولة انتقلت إلى الإسكندرية (الuxeor الحديثة)، التي أصبحت مركز تجاري رئيسي.

**الفترة الحديثة (حوالي 1570 - 1085 قبل الميلاد)**

الفترة الحديثة هي faseconsidered gold age of الحضارة الفرعونية. خلال هذه الفترة، بني العديد من معابد وتombs الأكثر شهرة، بما في ذلك تلك في جيزة والuxeor. الفترة الحديثة رأت أيضاً قوة pharaohs مثل حتشبست واكناتن، الذين إدخالوا أفكار جديدة وابتكارات.

**النهاية والاحتلال الأجنبي (حوالي 1085 - 332 قبل الميلاد)**

بدأ النقص الحضارة الفرعونية حوالي 1085 قبل الميلاد، عندما لم يكن pharaohs قادرة علىaintenance سلطتها و влияائها.country was eventually conquered by foreign powers, including the Assyrians, Persians, and Greeks.


الحضارة الفرعونية لها أثر profound على التاريخ البشري. أrchitectureها و искусством و ثقافتها تأثرت بها Many other civilizations, including Greek and Roman art and architecture. pyramids of Giza are one of the most iconic landmarks in the world, and continue to inspire wonder and awe in people today.

**أسرار مثيرة**

* développèa system of hieroglyphics that allowed them to write down their language.

* pyramids of Giza were built using around 2.3 million stone blocks, each weighing around 2.5 tons.

* The Great Sphinx of Giza is believed to have been built during the Old Kingdom period.

* The Ancient Egyptians were skilled in medicine, astronomy, and mathematics.

* Mummification was an important part of Ancient Egyptian culture, as they believed that it allowed people to live in the afterlife.


A Summary of Ancient Egyptian Civilization

**Early Period (c. 3100 - 2613 BCE)**

The Early Period began with the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt by King Menes, who founded the First Dynasty. This period saw the development of a centralized government, with a pharaoh as the ruler, and the establishment of a system of taxation and governance. The capital city was Memphis, which was located near modern-day Cairo.

**Middle Kingdom (c. 2040 - 1640 BCE)**

The Middle Kingdom was marked by a period of cultural and economic growth, during which the pharaohs built many temples and tombs. The capital city was moved to Thebes (modern-day Luxor), which became a major center of trade and commerce.

**New Kingdom (c. 1570 - 1085 BCE)**

The New Kingdom is considered the golden age of Ancient Egyptian civilization. During this period, the pharaohs built many of the most famous temples and tombs, including those at Giza and Luxor. The New Kingdom also saw the rise of powerful pharaohs like Hatshepsut and Akhenaten, who introduced new ideas and innovations.

**Decline and Foreign Rule (c. 1085 - 332 BCE)**

The decline of Ancient Egyptian civilization began around 1085 BCE, when the pharaohs were unable to maintain their power and influence. The country was eventually conquered by foreign powers, including the Assyrians, Persians, and Greeks.


Ancient Egyptian civilization has had a profound impact on human history. Its architecture, art, and culture have influenced many other civilizations, including Greek and Roman art and architecture. The pyramids of Giza are one of the most iconic landmarks in the world, and continue to inspire wonder and awe in people today.

**Interesting Facts**

* The Ancient Egyptians developed a system of hieroglyphics that allowed them to write down their language.

* The pyramids of Giza were built using around 2.3 million stone blocks, each weighing around 2.5 tons.

* The Great Sphinx of Giza is believed to have been built during the Old Kingdom period.

* The Ancient Egyptians were skilled in medicine, astronomy, and mathematics.

* Mummification was an important part of Ancient Egyptian culture, as they believed that it allowed people to live in the afterlife.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Amr M.
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عدد المشاهدات 10
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