تفاصيل العمل

Overview :

This project involves an in-depth analysis of World Cup data, providing insightful visualizations and reports on various statistics related to the history of the World Cup.

️ Tools Used :

ETL Tool : Power Query

Analysis and Dashboards Tool : Power BI

Data Source :

Wikipedia: FIFA World Cup

Extracting Data :

Data for this project was extracted from the FIFA World Cup Wikipedia page.

? Cleaning and Preparing Process :

Changing Table Name: Adjusted table names for clarity.

Set First Row as Header: Ensured the first row of the data is used as headers.

Changing Column Names: Renamed columns to meaningful names.

Deleting Unnecessary Columns: Removed columns that were not needed for the analysis.

Changing Data Types: Corrected data types for proper analysis.

Fixing Nulls and Blanks: Addressed missing values and blanks.

Replacing Necessary Values: Replaced values as needed for consistency.

Analysis Process :

Total Champions: 22

Total Runners Up: 11 ?

Last Champion: Argentina

Championships Hosted by Host Country: Visualized the number of times the championship was hosted by each country on a map.

Top 5 Countries Winning the World Cup: Identified the top 5 countries with the most World Cup wins.

Number of Teams in Each Championship: Counted the number of teams that participated in each championship.

Data Table: Presented all relevant fields in a properly ordered table.

Filter by Year: Enabled filtering of the dashboard by the year of the championship.

Visualization Process

Report 1: Detailed analysis and visual representation of the number of champions by hosts.

Report 2: Visualization showcasing the top 5 countries winning the World Cup.

ملفات مرفقة

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Raghad E.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 7
تاريخ الإضافة