تفاصيل العمل

There is so many reasons for that, but over the past twenty years, there has been a massive digital transformation in the insurance industry, with access to the internet via smartphones being a key aspect of this shift. Previously, accessing insurance services required desktop computers, limiting users' ability to easily access information and services. Now, smartphones have made it convenient to access these services anytime and anywhere, regardless of the user's age, gender, or nationality, while adhering to regional and national laws.

This shift towards using smartphones for insurance services has contributed to:

Increased Access: Smartphones have made it easier for users to access insurance services, expanding the beneficiary base.

Service Customization: Data collected from mobile applications has helped better understand customer needs, enabling insurance companies to offer tailored services that meet customer expectations.

Improved Customer Experience: Through smart applications, customers can manage their insurance policies, file claims, and chat with customer service representatives in real time, significantly enhancing the customer experience.

Operational Efficiency: The digital transformation has improved operational efficiency for insurance companies, allowing faster and more accurate data processing and operational management.

Security and Privacy: Despite challenges related to security and privacy, the digital shift has facilitated the development of advanced security technologies to protect customer data and ensure information confidentiality.

Overall, the use of smartphones in the insurance industry has propelled digital transformation to new levels of efficiency and effectiveness, leading to increased activities in this sector and higher customer satisfaction.


Writing date: 15.12.2022

Date of publication: 15/07/2024

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