تحليل مبيعات شركه بالاكسيل والعرض علي داش بورد

تفاصيل العمل

Analysis Description

This sheet provides a comprehensive analysis of the revenue for a company, covering various sales channels, orders, and associated financial metrics. The data includes:

Order Information: Each row represents an order with details like order number, sales channel, order date, and store ID.

Sales Metrics: This includes the order quantity, discount applied, unit price, and unit cost. From these, the total sales, total cost, and profit for each order are calculated.

Customer and Product Details: Information about the customer, product, and geographical data (city, state, region) is provided.

Team Information: Each order is associated with a team member responsible for the sale.

Skills Utilized

Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Ensuring the data is correctly formatted and free from errors or inconsistencies.

Financial Analysis: Calculating key financial metrics like total sales, total cost, and profit to assess the company's revenue performance.

Data Organization: Structuring the data in a way that is easy to analyze and understand, making use of Excel's functionalities.

Descriptive Analytics: Summarizing and interpreting the data to provide insights into sales performance across different channels and regions.

Visualization and Reporting: Preparing the data for visualization and reporting, which could be presented in dashboards or reports for stakeholders.

This analysis was performed to provide insights into the company's revenue, helping in strategic decision-making. The project involved the use of Excel functions, data analysis techniques, and an understanding of financial metrics to achieve a comprehensive revenue analysis.

ملفات مرفقة

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Hussien G.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 12
تاريخ الإضافة
تاريخ الإنجاز