تفاصيل العمل

The primary colors used are white and gold, which give the space a clean, bright, and opulent feel.

Gold accents are prominently featured throughout, from the trim on display cases to shelving and lighting fixtures, enhancing the luxurious aesthetic.

The floor is marble which complements the white walls and adds to the overall brightness.


The layout is open and spacious, allowing customers to move freely and view the displays easily.

Multiple display cases are strategically placed, showcasing an array of pastries and desserts. The cases are glass-fronted, allowing the products to be the focal point.

Shelving along the walls holds packaged goods, displayed in an organized and visually appealing manner.

Display and Shelving:

Display cases have a sleek, modern design with gold framing and clear glass, ensuring the pastries are the main attraction.

Shelving units are also accented with gold and are well-lit, drawing attention to the products.


The lighting is a mix of recessed ceiling lights and stylish track lighting, all in a gold finish, which enhances the luxurious atmosphere.

Under-shelf lighting highlights the products and adds to the ambiance, ensuring the space is well-lit and inviting.

Counter and Service Area:

The main counter is centrally located and serves as the focal point of the space. It features a white and gold design, maintaining the overall aesthetic.

Behind the counter, there is ample storage and workspace, ensuring that the service area is functional and efficient.

Decorative Elements:

The walls feature subtle decorative patterns and textures, adding depth and interest without overwhelming the space.

The overall decor is minimalistic, focusing on the clean lines and luxurious materials, with the products themselves providing color and visual interest.


The patisserie's branding is prominently displayed on the walls and counters, reinforcing the brand identity and adding to the professional appearance.

This patisserie design combines luxury and functionality, creating an inviting and sophisticated environment for customers to enjoy their sweet treats. The attention to detail and cohesive design elements reflect a high standard of interior architecture.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل زهراء ا.
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عدد المشاهدات 7
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